Yes I guess a beta could be released pretty soon.
You and Emmanuel should set some milestones?
It would be helpful if you could create some more releases in JIRA,
like a beta and a CR, so that we can move really important issues to
the first beta and postpone the others.
You could start playing with the integrated Greenhopper (see
Agile->Planning Board).
Sorry for the previous answer being empty, got wrong shortcut on the phone.
2009/10/30 Hardy Ferentschik <hibernate(a)>:
I was just wondering whether we have reached a decision yet for the 3.2.0
release of HSearch?
Some of the issues scheduled for this release and assigned to me do not
seem to be that important.
I will go through them in Jira.
I will also try to finish the DynamicBoost documentation over the weekend.
It will be another small
step towards the next release of HSearch :)
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