While I do agree wholeheartedly with most of what you say, I do think
it's unfair to say that the requirement is "fundamentally broken". That
label should be reserved for SQL itself ;-)
If there is some opaque business rule R that operates on a large set of
input data, and that rule is implemented in Java, using Hibernate to get
the input data, it's quite possible that the rule generates a large list
of entities to retrieve. Is there a better way to batch fetch a
s***load of specific entities, given a List or Set of identifiers?
Here's another scenario. Suppose I have "master" table, suppose
"orders". And another table "order_line_items",which is a
and another table "order_state_change" which is also one-to-many. And
suppose also that there is a somewhat complex (computationally or I/O
cost) set of conditions to filter the retrieved results.
There is a huge Inefficiency with multiple one-to-many joins (and no
global temp table) because you have to either:
1) execute the complex where clause once for each one-to-many
2) build in your temp segment then fetch across your network a
Cartesian product of the one-to-manys
3) use an "in (id1, id2, id3...)" clause for each one-to-many
However, I agree that in reality, any of #1, #2 or #3 are unfortunately
MORE desirable than my global temp table solution because of the massive
headache in managing such a solution.
But I DO think it's actually easier on the temp segment than to not use
it, in most cases.
On 12/03/2011 05:23 AM, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
> One technical (and probably way out of scope!) way to handle this
> be to use a temp table, do a batch insert of the values, then change the
> " in (v1, v2, v3...)" to " in (select v from temp)".
I think I would rather hear people complain about query exceptions happening when
they are doing something fundamentally broken with a database than seeing them realize
their test
queries working as expected and then when they go to production with enough data to pass
the 1000 elements limit
their read only queries suddenly are trashing the temp table space and their user need to
be able to have create table permissions.
> On 12/01/2011 04:20 AM, Emmanuel Bernard wrote:
>> Ah good point, I haven't thought of that problem with query splitting
>> On 30 nov. 2011, at 22:20, Steve Ebersole wrote:
>>> Splitting is not always an option. Consider a predicate like:
>>> ... where a in (x1, ... x2000) and b in (y1, ... y2000) ...
>>> If you split this up, you will have misses. Yes, it works if you can keep it
all in one query because you can structure it to maintain the original semantics.
However, please read the comments on that JIRA issue. For some databases, this
restriction is not just on the number of elements in a in-list, but on the number of
parameters overall. Splitting these 2 in-lists about into 4 does not address that.
>>> I commented on the issue that I am actually inclined to simply reject this
one. In fact, I thought we already did. Maybe that was another earlier one?
>>> On Wed 30 Nov 2011 04:45:55 AM CST, Emmanuel Bernard wrote:
>>>> Also note that there is a limit for the query size globally in some
vendors and that people relieved from HHH-1123 cal fall into the second limit.
>>>> A solution would be for Hibernate to split one query into several but
I'm not sure I like the idea.
>>>> Emmanuel
>>>> On 29 nov. 2011, at 21:29, Ćukasz Antoniak wrote:
>>>>> Hi all!
>>>>> Recently I had a closer look at HHH-1123 issue. This bug affects both
>>>>> Criteria API and HQL. I have introduced
>>>>> Dialect#maximumInExpressionElements() method which returns maximum
>>>>> number of allowed elements in a single SQL IN clause, or null treated
>>>>> infinite. The change of InExpression was very easy. However, fixing
>>>>> bug for HQL queries requires modification of ParameterMetadata
>>>>> (namedDescriptorMap cannot remain unmodifiable), as well as
>>>>> AbstractQueryImpl (queryString). As I don't see any other
solution, I
>>>>> wanted to ask you guys for suggestions. Is it the only possible way
>>>>> fixing this issue? Finally, shall we really fix this? This is a DB
>>>>> vendor limitation, but 40 user gave their vote for it.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Lukasz Antoniak
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