AvailableSettings.EVENT_LISTENER_PREFIX is set to "hibernate.ejb.event".
JpaIntegrator looks for ConfigurationService settings (which include properties) with that
prefix, then strips off that prefix to determine the org.hibernate.event.spi.EventType.
I see that org.hibernate.event.spi.EventType has non-JPA event types. I can see that it
could be useful for an application to specify non-JPA listeners to access Hibernate
extensions. Is this what is intended?
Since JPA already defines annotations and <entity-listener> XML descriptors to
specify JPA entity listeners/callbacks, should Hibernate continue to allow JPA entity
listeners/callbacks to be specified using a property with this prefix?
In master, the only test I see that uses a property prefixed with
"hibernate.ejb.event" is
org.hibernate.jpa.test.packaging.PackagedEntityManagerTest. Also, I don't see any
documentation for prefixing properties this way.
Should AvailableSettings.EVENT_LISTENER_PREFIX be deprecated?