For what it's worth, +1 on this. At least back in the day, we'd
continue to backport bugfixes to the previous minor release, until a new
final minor release was deployed. That was the responsibility of
whoever was committing to master. Since the baselines were typically
"close enough", commits generally cherry-picked fairly cleanly.
On 1/24/18 6:12 PM, Gail Badner wrote:
People seem to be relying on me to backport to 5.2. From a product
standpoint, there is no need to backport to 5.2 anymore once 5.3.0 is
released. Maybe 5.3.0 and 5.2.13 should be released together, with 5.2.13
being the last 5.2 release.
>From an earlier thread, it sounds like there is concern outside the ORM
team that we need to keep 5.2.x releases going for some time.
What is the criteria for backporting?
Steve, Andrea, and I had a brief discussion about backporting bugfixes from
master to 5.2 when the bugs apply to master. Is there more discussion to be
done about this?
FWIW, backporting to active community branches is everyone's
responsibility, not mine alone.
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