Not sure of the use case y'all are talking about as not compelling. You
simply do not want to support users performing bulk update/delete
statements when utilizing search?!? Surely I am misunderstanding?
I do not get the JPA reference. JPA does not define events in the way
Hibernate does. It certainly does not define nor discuss firing events
for JPAQL/Criteria queries.
On Sat, 2009-11-28 at 18:34 +0100, Sanne Grinovero wrote:
I don't need this in Search, in that context I agre with
about "user use case is not compelling enough."
Don't know however how important this is for Envers?
And how is the support for eventlisteners with Criteria/JPA2? Is the
spec stating that no events are fired after an HQL/whatever query?
just wondering,
2009/11/28 Steve Ebersole <steve(a)>:
> Two difficulties I just realized:
> First is that we actually only use the temporary table approach in the
> case of update/delete against 'multi-table structures'. In a basic or
> table-per-hierarchy entity structure the temporary table is currently
> not used. If this is something y'all agree is needed, what I can do is
> to look at making the listeners influence the decision whether or not to
> use temporary tables (currently that decision is solely based on the
> entity structure).
> Second is the fact that the 'id table' rows are cleaned up immediately
> afterwards. The Query#executeUpdate() process goes something like:
> 1) populate 'id table'
> 2) execute update/delete utilizing 'id table'
> (fire this new event)
> 3) clean up the 'id table'
> On Wed, 2009-11-25 at 14:46 +0100, Adam Warski wrote:
>> Either a "lazy structure" or the table name + utility method to read
content of the table, as that's the operation all users of such listeners would need.
>> Adam
>> On Nov 24, 2009, at 9:09 PM, Emmanuel Bernard wrote:
>> > If you return a "lazy structure", we could avoid the overhead
unless the data is needed :)
>> >
>> > On 24 nov. 09, at 20:52, Steve Ebersole wrote:
>> >
>> >> I think it will just pass the table name. Too much overhead to
>> >> materialize all the ids when the event may not even be used.
>> >>
>> >> On Tue, 2009-11-24 at 20:21 +0100, Emmanuel Bernard wrote:
>> >>> Good idea,
>> >>> If we could have an event listener that indeed does provide the
>> >>> information lazily, we could definitely benefit from it. But that
>> >>> a cost so I think I would still keep it optional on the HSearch
>> >>>
>> >>> On 24 nov. 09, at 19:53, Adam Warski wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>>> Hello,
>> >>>>
>> >>>> I don't exactly know how bulk operations work, and I
didn't know
>> >>>> that there's a temporary table with the affected ids
>> >>>> But if so, then yes, such an event would solve the problem, in
>> >>>> way Steve described. (And I got asked about bulk operations
quite a
>> >>>> lot of times, always answered that it isn't possible :) ).
I think
>> >>>> that both Envers and Search would need the ids affected + the
>> >>>> type + the type of the operation (delete, insert, update).
>> >>>>
>> >>>> If it's possible, it would be great to have that :)
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Adam
>> >>>>
>> >>>> On Nov 24, 2009, at 3:11 PM, Steve Ebersole wrote:
>> >>>>
>> >>>>> How about a new event right at the moment after we have
>> >>>>> collected
>> >>>>> all the ids into the temp table?
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> For envers, this would allow you to save off the current
>> >>>>> prior to
>> >>>>> the update/delete.
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> For search, this would allow you to "circle back"
after the operation
>> >>>>> and re-index those matching ids.
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> wdyt?
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> On Tue, 2009-11-24 at 08:20 +0100, Adam Warski wrote:
>> >>>>>> Hello,
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> a user on forums is posting about an HQL like
>> >>>>>>> "delete from product where id = 4"
>> >>>>>>> which - in case of Hibernate Search - is not going
to remove the
>> >>>>>>> relevant document from the index.
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> Another interesting case would be
>> >>>>>>> "delete from product"
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> Any thoughts about this? Should we always use API
when making
>> >>>>>>> changes?
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> In general listeners for any bulk operations aren't
fired (in case
>> >>>>>> of a bulk update the indexes won't be updated
either). This is a
>> >>>>>> problem also in Envers - where doing bulk operations
doesn't cause
>> >>>>>> any historical data to be written in the audit tables.
What I
>> >>>>>> normally advise users on the forum is to:
>> >>>>>> 1) run a hql which updates the historical tables
>> >>>>>> inserting new rows for each id affected by the hql to
be executed)
>> >>>>>> 2) run the original hql
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> For HSearch, I guess a solution would be to provide an
API to tell
>> >>>>>> HSearch that some range of ids of some entity changed.
So the user
>> >>>>>> would:
>> >>>>>> 1) get the ids affected by the query (this usually
means replacing
>> >>>>>> delete/update by select)
>> >>>>>> 2) run the original hql
>> >>>>>> 3) pass the ids to hsearch so that it could update the
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> However, I'm not sure if there would be much
performance gain
>> >>>>>> comparing using a bulk operation to a for-loop with
>> >>>>>> entityManager.delete in that case (HSearch would have
to handle
>> >>>>>> each entity separately anyway; maybe not in case of a
delete, but
>> >>>>>> certainly in case of an update).
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>> --
>> >>>>> Steve Ebersole <steve(a)>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
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>> >>>> hibernate-dev mailing list
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>> >>>>
>> >>>
>> >> --
>> >> Steve Ebersole <steve(a)>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
> --
> Steve Ebersole <steve(a)>
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