Help and contributions are always welcome :)
I recommend you start with this page
It contains information on where and how to check out the source and how
to built the project.
Once you have a local checkout and made yourself a little familiar with
the code you can
always ask more concrete questions either on this mailing list or on the
IRC channel #hibernate-dev on
We would also create an issue for the feature you want to implement on the
Validator Jira -
Hope this helps for now.
On Tue, 05 Oct 2010 15:49:06 +0200, Federico Mancini
<mancini_federico(a)yahoo.it> wrote:
Hi and thank you for your answer.
I am aware that our work is extremely similar to the jsr 303,
and that is exactly why I wanted to show it to you.
It just happened that we independently developed similar solutions for
the same problem, but
when we saw the specs for the jsr 303, we realized that it would not
make sense to continue
since a much better version of the same thing was already up and going
in Hibernate.
However we have spent a good amount of time and effort on our validator,
and it would be great if some of our ideas could be
picked up by the Hibernate Validator rather than just watch them go to
Therefore I am very happy that you find some of it of interest, and of
I would like to get involved and contribute as I can.
Unfortunatly I am not familiar with the Hibernate Validator code (I only
read the jsr specs) or
how you guys work, so I would not
know where to start, but if you give my some time (I am also working on
some other project right now) and guidelines I will be
happy to help.
Thanks again for the reply,
Den 05.10.2010 15:17, skrev Hardy Ferentschik:
> Hi Frederico,
> sorry for the late reply. I finally had some time to read through your
> paper.
> I think there are strong similarities between you work and Hibernate
> Validator or
> more specific the Bean Validation specification (JSR 303).
> Property validation in the SHIP Validator is basically the same as in
> Bean Validation.
> And what you call cross-annotations would be a class level validator in
> Bean Validation terms.
> Bean Validation also offers constraint composition similar to what is
> described in your paper.
> What Bean Validation does not offer is a boolean composition of the
> constraints. Here conjunction of
> constraints is always assumed.
> We are not able to do something like this:
> @BoolTest(BoolType.OR)
> @Null
> @Max(10)
> @Target({ METHOD, FIELD })
> @Retention(RUNTIME)
> @Constraint(validatedBy = { })
> public @interface NullOrMax {
> public abstract String message() default "foo";
> public abstract Class<?>[] groups() default { };
> public abstract Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default { };
> @OverridesAttribute(constraint = Max.class, name = "value")
> public abstract long max()
> }
> Also the ability to validate a subset of all properties from within a
> class level validator sounds interesting.
> We could implement these features as Hibernate Validator specific
> extensions.
> Are you interested in getting involved?
> --Hardy
> On Tue, 05 Oct 2010 09:48:15 +0200, Federico Mancini
> <mancini_federico(a)yahoo.it> wrote:
>> Hi again,
>> I was just wondering whether I should interpret the lack of answers as
>> "no, this is not interesting at all", or as "we have a lot of
>> things to do and do not have time for this right now"?
>> Federico
>> Den 22.09.2010 09:08, skrev Federico Mancini:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I am new to the list and I am opening this thread on Emmanuel
>>> Bernard's
>>> suggestion, in order to
>>> discuss some possible extensions to the validator (jsr 303) I have
>>> been
>>> working on with a couple of collegues.
>>> Mainly it concerns the possibility to extend composition with boolean
>>> operators (ex.: A field is either in the range 1-10 OR 20-30 AND
>>> notNull) and allow validation of sets of interdependent properties
>>> (ex.: EITHER the name field is notNull OR the surname field is
>>> notNull/
>>> AT LEAST 1 field must be filled/etc....).
>>> A description of the experimental framework we implemented can be
>>> found
>>> here
http://www.ii.uib.no/publikasjoner/texrap/pdf/2009-389.pdf , and
>>> some further discussion on the choices we made here
>>> I hope this might be of some interest for the Hybernate Validator
>>> project,
>>> but, even if not, it would be nice to get some feedback.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Federico Mancini
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