On 29 May 2015 at 18:27, Scott Marlow <smarlow(a)redhat.com> wrote:
On 05/29/2015 01:05 PM, Sanne Grinovero wrote:
> Thanks Scott!
> 1. this error is expected: HS 5.2 is not compatible with ORM 5.
> We'll need a compatible WildFly version to release a compatible
> version, or alternatively know how to get the tests to run w/o the
> jipijapa patch as I was trying ;-)
In the interest of getting ORM 5 into WildFly 10 before HS is upgraded, we
could disable
and create a blocking jira for WF10 assigned to you, so you can either
enable the HibernateSearchJPATestCase test or remove Search from WildFly 10
as you mention below (as a possible option). Please let me know how you
want me to proceed.
That won't be necessary, as a compatible release is now available:
update Hibernate Search to version 5.4.0.Alpha1 when you upgrade Hibernate ORM.
(don't upgrade HS w/o ORM to 5: it's required for this version of
Hibernate Search)