On Apr 21, 2011, at 11:43 AM, Steve Ebersole wrote:
This Sunday is Easter and I am guessing some folks will not be
available that Monday. So lets move our weekly dev meeting to
Tuesday the 26th, same time.
Some items to consider for discussion:
1) proposed SessionFactory building apis
2) what to do with EJB3Configuration?
3) package name changes, core is moving along, but i do not think
any other modules have even been started. Do we want to do that in
Steve Ebersole <steve(a)hibernate.org>
I apologize everyone, but I will not be able to make the meeting
tomorrow. If y'all still meet, remember to start/stop the meeting bot
and send links. I'd really like to hear everyone's thoughts on (1)
and (2) above.
Steve Ebersole