Let's keep this on-list, thanks..
I think you are missing the point that
'AvailableSettings.USE_NEW_ID_GENERATOR_MAPPINGS' is a setting that
*you* set. It tells Hibernate which strategy it should use to map JPA
generator annotations to org.hibernate.id.IdentifierGenerator
implementations. So its "always false" because you never set it to
anything else...
@SequenceGenerator maps to either org.hibernate.id.SequenceHiLoGenerator
(when flag is false) or org.hibernate.id.enhanced.SequenceStyleGenerator
(when flag is true). SequenceHiLoGenerator does *not* account for
schema/catalog; SequenceStyleGenerator does. That flag as false is
legacy behavior. Yes we could make SequenceHiLoGenerator (which is
deperecated) properly account for schema/catalog. But you could also
enable to the new generator mappings.
On 08/13/2012 02:23 AM, mutaz kabbashi wrote:
hi steve
i mean the (USE_NEW_ID_GENERATOR_MAPPINGS) always = false for example
if i create the following entity class
package bugs.HHH_7232;
import javax.persistence.*;
@Table(name = "test", schema = "jaseadm")
name="applicantSignupSequence", sequenceName="seq_applicant_signup"
public class SeqTest {
@GeneratedValue(generator = "applicantSignupSequence",
strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE)
private int id;
hibernate should use sequence from (hibernate_bug) schema but it
doesn't because when hibernate checks
(USE_NEW_ID_GENERATOR_MAPPINGS) consatnt @buildIdGenerator() method
@org.hibernate.cfg.AnnotationBinder Class using the following variable
(final boolean useNewGeneratorMappings =
mappings.useNewGeneratorMappings() ;) which always returns false
below is the body of useNewGeneratorMappings()
method(a)org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration class
@SuppressWarnings({ "UnnecessaryUnboxing" })
public boolean useNewGeneratorMappings() {
if ( useNewGeneratorMappings == null ) {
final String booleanName = getConfigurationProperties()
.getProperty( AvailableSettings.USE_NEW_ID_GENERATOR_MAPPINGS ); //problem
useNewGeneratorMappings = Boolean.valueOf( booleanName );
return useNewGeneratorMappings.booleanValue();
On Sun, Aug 12, 2012 at 8:15 PM, Steve Ebersole <steve(a)hibernate.org> wrote:
> Not following what you mean "'use new id generator mappings' is false
> the time".
> On Aug 12, 2012 3:40 AM, "mutaz kabbashi" <mutazhkabbashi(a)gmail.com>
>> hi all
>> i am new here and i want to contribute to hibernate so i
>> started with simple bug (Hibernate ignores 'schema' attribute of
>> @SequenceGenerator for Oracle sequences HHH-7232)
>> (
https://hibernate.onjira.com/browse/HHH-7232) , after i checked the
>> code i found out that when hibenate try to parse @SequenceGenerator
>> annotation of Entity class it checks (USE_NEW_ID_GENERATOR_MAPPINGS )
>> constatnt @[org.hibernate.cfg.AvailableSettings.java] which will be
>> false all the time so hibernate will not read the sequence schema .
>> so what is the best way to solve this problem
>> - Change USE_NEW_ID_GENERATOR_MAPPINGS value (could make problem
>> with backward compatibility)
>> - create new constant
>> - check @sequenceGenerator and get schema name (if schema is present
>> get schema name else schema name will be null )
>> - any suggestion
>> thank you
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