On Apr 2, 2012, at 11:16 AM, Emmanuel Bernard wrote:
What's your definition of an SPI, in the team we have slightly
different ones.
In Hibernate search an SPI is targeted at frameworks or hyper advanced user who are
willing to integrate or enhance Hibernate Search. Otherwise, they are considered APIs -
which includes interfaces you might need to implement like FieldBridge. Hibernate ORM has
a different semantic where an API is what the application directly code on.
The HV interpretation of SPI is the same view as in ORM. Imo It makes for a simpler,
easier to understand cut between API and SPI.
For your second question, I have used the idea of an interface
combined with an abstract class with success. The interface used by the consumers and the
abstract class extended by implementors.
I also think that an abstract class can be beneficial. However, I would not generalize
this approach. In the case of the HV interfaces in question we have very simple interfaces
(single method ones) with a very low likelihood that they will change. I don't think
that the abstract base class is needed in this case, especially since it forces you to use