The split packages were really a vehicle to make auto-generation of osgi
metatdata possible. It is nice too that they offer a quick visual clue
into the intent. I agree that an annotation would work as well for some
aspects of this. But using annotations would make the osgi auto-gen harder
for sure (doable still, just harder).
I agree we are all describing the same thing: integration points between 2
things (sometimes 2 projects, sometimes 2 modules, sometimes just 2 classes
or "services"). Personally I like to call them "touch points" as in
point were things touch. I am much less interested in what we call them
versus doing them right :) We all agreed 2-3 years ago to call them SPI.
I see no reason to change that simply because there is not a "nice, neat
wikipedia page" to talks about our view of these concepts.
On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 11:03 AM, Sanne Grinovero <sanne(a)>wrote:
Looks like we're all aligned?
Steve made some concrete examples, Emmanuel pointed out how we have
been defining this vs. apparently other people.
I don't feel the need to change our interpretation, if that's what is
being discussed.
It's good to remember that there are different kinds of SPIs; we
indeed came to the conclusion that it's often much nicer to have an
abstract class when the SPI is meant to be provided by 3rd party code
but I think we need an interface in that case as well (in addition to
the abstract class).
Also breaking an SPI could bring as much pain as an API change.. when
an API changs the user is often in the position to be able to do
something about it. More often people get in trouble because they are
using a mixture of versions of different frameworks and libraries
which are meant to work together, and they don't.. in such scenarios
the user might not be able to do something about it, other than
lobbying and begging for fixes and releases in projects out of his
An API change just invalidates project for people who are not able to
recompile, and makes books and training outdated :) Sure that's
annoying too, my point is just that SPI is not less important
*generally* but it depends on what API and what SPI we're talking
But even when we discuss the same "kind" of SPIs, some are more
critical than others, and some are "internal" SPIs (like
hibernate-search to hibernate-search module), some are very close
(hibernate-orm to hibernate-search) some are slightly further down
(infinispan - hibernate-search).. others need critical stability
(container integration, etc..). And of course it's less painfull when
it affects something that 99% of users didn't know it existed in the
first place.
Conclusion, the package name will never set a rule: to me it's more
like a reminder to be carefull in any way possible as "someone" is
going to hate me. I am personally not even a fan of these specific
package naming conventions, an annotation would be just as good,
provided it gets somehow visibility in the javadoc (or even hides
javadocs for internals).
On 22 May 2014 15:32, Steve Ebersole <steve(a)> wrote:
> Deja vu as we have had this exact discussion before (and actually, our
> discussions pre-date those TAG discussions....)
> You are basing your specific reading of what SPI means based on a single
> wikipedia page that goes out of its way to point out its incompleteness
> And really even then in my opinion you are reading too much into its
> mention of the JDK ServiceLoader. What the wikiepdia says specifically
> *Service Provider Interface* (SPI) is an
> intended
>> to be implemented or extended by a third party. It can be used to enable
>> framework extension and replaceable components
> That's actually not much different (if at all) from how I use the term
> To me, SPI is simply "the API that is used between internal components
> accomplish something". A specific important distinction here is that
> are meant for application code to bind to, SPIs are not. As I have
> out probably 100 times already, yes there are 2 facets to this. To me an
> SPI is made up of:
> 1) The SPI contracts that are meant to be extended by users and/or 3rd
> parties.
> 2) The SPI contracts that are not intended for extension.
> Another correlated break down is:
> 1) SPI contracts that do things
> 2) SPI contracts that are inputs/outputs to (1)
> Take for example, the idea of scanning deployments for annotated classes
> (mainly because this one is fresh in my mind). The main SPI contract
> is Scanner and ArchiveDescriptorFactory. These are each intended as
> extension points, they both "do stuff". All the rest of the
> is inouts/outputs to these 2. Why is this an important distinction?
> generally speaking where we get into trouble in terms of "changing SPIs"
> later is when we change this first group. When we have to make
> changes to Scanner
> or make changes to ArchiveDescriptorFactory we cause problems downstream
> for folks that implement/extend this stuff. That's where patterns like
> parameter objects and delegates are sooooooooo beneficial. As an
> illustration, say we need to pass some new information into the single
> Scanner method (this was the recent case I worked through). If that
> adding a new parameter to that Scanner method, well that just screwed
> implementor of the Scanner interface because now their implementation is
> longer valid. If instead, Scanner had made use of parameter objects (it
> now does btw), the parameter object itself would have been changed
> no problem of existing Scanner implementations. The "parameter object"
> still part of the SPI. But it falls into this second category. Changing
> these guys is essentially irrelevant in terms of causing no issues for
> existing SPI implementations.
> And as far as "a tendency to consider the application developer more
> than the framework/integrator when it comes to breaking backward
> compatibility" I would not phrase it like that. There are a few parts
> this in my mind:
> First, I think you need to step back and look at the bigger picture.
> API defines the features that Hibernate is exposing to the application
> (save this thing, find that thing). Its kind of broad and generally
> defining a feature in relation to an interaction between 2 things. SPIs
> many ways are inherently more complicated to design because they need to
> consider both sides of the problem. Going back to scanning, that SPI
> to consider Hibernate's requirements from scanning as well as any
> requirements the implementation needs especially accounting for any
> in the various potential implementations.
> Second, because of the "overlap" or "integration" aspects
between teams
> projects there needs to be coordination and cooperation when
> building/designing an SPI. To be honest, this part has been lacking even
> within "our team" across projects because people get focused on their
> What happens instead, again from my perspective, is no
> coordination/cooperation
> occurs in the building/designing of these; and then later people get
> when the SPI needs to change because it was not well designed to begin
> with. Another aspects of this is "more eyes"; the more people involved
> the design of an API (SPI fits in here equally) looking at it, the better
> designed it will be.
> All that said, I don't plan on changing use of the phrase SPI based on (a
> questionable interpretation of) one wikipedia page.
> On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 4:21 AM, Emmanuel Bernard <
>> (This discussion is around OGM but it is a very generic subject
>> to all projects.)
>> I made a mistake in naming the spi packages SPI because the definition
>> SPI is quite narrow and even more narrower in Java than elsewhere.
>> ## Definitions
>> ### SPI
>> In Java and according to Wikipedia, a SPI (Service provider interface)
>> related to the notion of ServiceLoader
>> We certainly do not (or very rarely) have these kinds of services in our
>> SPI packages.
>> Another point of you comes from this StackOverflow article
>> - the API is the description of classes/interfaces/methods/... that you
>> call and use to achieve a goal and
>> - the SPI is the description of classes/interfaces/methods/... that you
>> extend and implement to achieve a goal
>> A third point of you is the NetBeans one
>> SPI stands for Service Provider Interface. It is a subset of all things
>> that can be API specific to situations where a library is providing
>> which are called by the application (or API library), and which
>> change the things the application is able to do.
>> I think everyone agrees that an SPI is kind of API.
>> ### IPI or FPI (Integrator / Framework Public Interface)
>> I will use FPI as it tastes better than IPI but I have no preferences
>> integrators vs frameworks.
>> Now in my mind and for some obscure reasons, SPI really meant FPI. To my
>> credit, I have done that fairly constantly on Hibernate Search and Bean
>> Validation. Hibernate OGM was never properly packaged initially so
>> another story.
>> A FPI is used by a framework integrating or extending the project
>> these FPIs.
>> ## What does really matter?
>> It is useful to differentiate an API used from an API extended (SPI)
>> because the constraints are different:
>> - APIs used can add new methods and should be interfaces rather than
>> classes.
>> - APIs extended (SPIs) should be abstract classes so that a new contract
>> added can be offered by the project without breaking implementors.
>> But from a user point of you, I’m tempted to say "so what?”. It does not
>> change your inclination to make use of that contract.
>> It is useful to differentiate application developer(*) facing APIs from
>> framework/integrator facing APIs (FPIs) to keep the API simple to use
>> to document. There is also a tendency to consider the application
>> more sacred than the framework/integrator when it comes to breaking
>> backward compatibility.
>> (*) I say application developer here but it really the primary user
>> of your project whereas the integrators are usually less numerous and
>> controllable.
>> To me the latter (API/FPI) is more generally useful and that is the one
>> wish to separate in different packages naming conventions.
>> The former it seems to me is very often self-obvious to the user and
>> project maintainers. And from a usage PoV, it does not really matter.
>> there are cases where a contract is both used and extended (JDBC’s
>> Connection contract for example).
>> Can and should we split according to both dimensions? I don’t think so.
>> And if I have to chose, I’d prefer to split according to the API/ FPI
>> dimension which is more generally useful to our customers and makes it
>> clear what is non breakable (API), what is inconvenient to break (FPI),
>> what is free lunch (implementation).
>> ## References
>> There has been some discussions in the past as well
>> Emmanuel
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