On 19 May 2013 08:27, Hardy Ferentschik <hardy(a)hibernate.org> wrote:
I was not even aware of it. Was it one of your experiments?
No it was one of Emmanuel's experiments, so I'd like his +1 as well ;-)
I don't dislike the concept, maybe this is something that could be
reincarnated as an OGM dialect?
Or if it was meant to be more Lucene-API centric, maybe it could
become a separate module in Search (separate than
hibernate-search-engine, so at the same level of hibernate-search-orm)
On 18 May 2013, at 23:59, Sanne Grinovero <sanne(a)hibernate.org> wrote:
> There is an experimental feature in Hibernate Search which is as well
> known and as well documented as an easter egg:
> org.hibernate.search.sandbox.standalone.FullTextManager
> allows to use Hibernate Search in "standalone" mode, i.e. without a
> database and storing all data in the Lucene index only.
> This doesn't even have tests, but hasn't harmed any kitten so far.
> However now while I'm looking at doing some refactorings in
> preparation of Lucene 4, this looks like something that will need a
> complete rewrite, and is adding some resistance already by depending
> on deprecated methods which I'd rather remove asap.
> So I'm proposing to delete it, for the time being with no replacement.
> If there is interest we'd need to rewrite it anyway, but I'd prefer
> doing that eventually after the migration.
> Are we all ok with this?
> Cheers,
> Sanne
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