Here are the minutes of this week's NoORM IRC meeting minutes.
Once again, the bot wasn't there so it's all plain text all over again:
15:10 < gsmet> #topic Progress Fabio
15:10 < fax4ever> They have been a very intense two weeks.
15:10 < fax4ever> In my opinion the work on Hibernate Search 6 is going
15:10 < fax4ever> Let's start saying that I've solved some minor issues.
15:10 < fax4ever> I did a little fix on our massive indexer,
15:11 < fax4ever> I made some tests on dates stronger
15:11 -!- yrodiere [~yrodiere@2a01:e0a:85:4730:1dd8:d366:9f88:fa94] has
joined #hibernate-dev
15:11 < fax4ever> and I added a test to check the mapping of annotations
15:11 < fax4ever> that are defined in default interface methods.
15:11 < fax4ever> Moreover, I completed the previous work on handling
15:11 < fax4ever> the 'minimumShouldMatch' default parameter mismatch,
15:12 < fax4ever> adding a missed test to check the out-of-bound
15:12 < fax4ever> of a given minimal-should-match.
15:12 < fax4ever> The bigger issue this time was the one to handle the
'indexNullAs' mapping option
15:12 < fax4ever> and provide a default value for a property of any type in
case of null value.
15:12 < fax4ever> It had a consistent impact both on backends and mapping
15:12 < fax4ever> Since the mapping has the role here to convert, parse or
15:12 < fax4ever> annotation attribute strings in any supported backend
field type values.
15:13 < fax4ever> Furthermore, another issue I did was the one to handle in
a more consistent way
15:13 < fax4ever> what happens when we have a query on a text field
15:13 < fax4ever> insisting on multiple indexes and such indexes use
different analyzers.
15:13 < fax4ever> Finally, I started to to test the full attribute
15:13 < fax4ever> of a given Elasticsearch schema.
15:13 < fax4ever> This is all for the progress topic, thanks.
15:14 < fax4ever> I think we can move on the next topic, please.
15:14 < gsmet> #topic Next 2 weeks Fabio
15:14 < fax4ever> Looking at the current sprint: `HSEARCH - 2019-07` board,
15:14 < fax4ever> anyone can find what is planned for the next two weeks.
15:14 < fax4ever> I'll provide you a brief summary here.
15:15 < fax4ever> Please take in account that I'll have two public holidays
15:15 < fax4ever> days in the last two weeks.
15:15 < fax4ever> I'm going to finish to provide a test for each attribute
15:15 < fax4ever> of any given Elasticsearch schema.
15:13 < fax4ever> This is all for the progress topic, thanks.
15:14 < fax4ever> I think we can move on the next topic, please.
15:14 < gsmet> #topic Next 2 weeks Fabio
15:14 < fax4ever> Looking at the current sprint: `HSEARCH - 2019-07` board,
15:14 < fax4ever> anyone can find what is planned for the next two weeks.
15:14 < fax4ever> I'll provide you a brief summary here.
15:15 < fax4ever> Please take in account that I'll have two public holidays
15:15 < fax4ever> days in the last two weeks.
15:15 < fax4ever> I'm going to finish to provide a test for each attribute
15:15 < fax4ever> of any given Elasticsearch schema.
15:15 < fax4ever> Then I'll try to use the built-in normalize Lucene method
15:15 < fax4ever> This time I'll use some insights provided by Yoann.
15:16 < fax4ever> After that I'll handle some other minor issues:
15:16 < fax4ever> thread safe fixes and ORM session synchronization.
15:16 < fax4ever> Finally, I would like to implement the support of
BigDecimal and BigInteger.
15:16 < fax4ever> But I'm not sure I will be able to finish it in the next
two weeks.
15:16 < fax4ever> That's all from me. Thanks
15:16 < gsmet> thanks
15:17 < gsmet> #topic Progress Koen
15:17 < koentsje> i have been working mostly on the quarkus tooling
15:17 < koentsje> i finished the contribution guide
15:18 < koentsje> and after adding all the legal stuff i finally made my
private repository public
15:18 < koentsje> i have added another plugin for containing the cheat
sheets and started working on the first one
15:19 < koentsje> that is supposed to be nothing else than the quarkus
15:19 < koentsje> i also did some minor maintenance work on both the
hibernate eclipse tools and the core hibernate tools projects
15:19 < koentsje> updating dependencies etc
15:19 -!- rvansa [rvansa@nat/redhat/x-qrkdghwyrowutzhr] has joined
15:20 < koentsje> and i have started to investigate how to use the reddeer
tools to setup some integration testing for the quarkus tools
15:20 < koentsje> that’s about what i did past 2 weeks
15:21 < gsmet> #topic Next 2 weeks Koen
15:21 < koentsje> i desperately want to setup continuous integration but i
might want some help with that
15:22 < koentsje> futher i need to elaborate the create project wizard so
that it becomes foolproof and that more options are possible
15:22 < koentsje> next i need to finish the first cheat sheet and possible
add more
15:23 < koentsje> and i want to also create a reddeer test plugin to do the
integration testing
15:23 < yrodiere> I can help with CI if you want to use Jenkins pipelines.
Not sure it will be easy in your case though, given you may need Eclipse
and all that.
15:23 < koentsje> yrodiere, that would be most certainly appreciated
15:24 < fax4ever> me too
15:24 < koentsje> further, i want to study gradle a little bit as i might
switch the hibernate tools build from maven to gradle
15:24 < yrodiere> (just ping me when you want to talk about it)
15:25 < koentsje> and if there is still time there is some boring stuff to
do in the hibernate eclipse tooling: adding license and copyright headers
15:25 < koentsje> that should be more than enough for the next two weeks
15:25 < gsmet> ok, thanks
15:25 < gsmet> #topic Progress Guillaume
15:25 < gsmet> I didn't do much on the Hibernate front
15:25 < koentsje> yrodiere, we might talk next friday during the hangout if
you are present?
15:25 < yrodiere> koentsje: sure
15:26 < gsmet> I'm working on reviewing a Validator PR
15:26 < gsmet> I also reviewed a couple of Search PRs
15:27 < gsmet> oh, and I released ORM 5.3.10 (well, I pushed the button,
Gail did the rest of the work)
15:27 < gsmet> #topic Next 2 weeks Guillaume
15:27 < gsmet> I will release Quarkus 0.14.0 tomorrow
15:27 < gsmet> I want to have the Search extension in 0.15.0 so I will have
a 2 weeks window to merge it
15:28 < gsmet> I would like to have an alpha of the ongoing work by then
15:28 < gsmet> as there is a change in the configuration (version vs
15:28 < gsmet> yrodiere: is the next alpha planned for the end of this week?
15:28 < yrodiere> that should be doable, but I'd advice to first merge it,
then open a second PR with this change
15:29 < yrodiere> Otherwise we'll always be waiting for one thing or
another :)
15:29 < gsmet> yeah, whatever comes first
15:29 < gsmet> I'll create the PR as soon as I have everything working
15:29 < yrodiere> I wanted to do it the week after that, but I can do it
earlier if necessary
15:29 < yrodiere> master is always ready for a release anyway :)
15:29 < gsmet> I just want to be sure I'll have the alpha with the version
stuff before the "official" Quarkus release
15:30 < yrodiere> Which is when?
15:30 < gsmet> probably around May 8th
15:30 < gsmet> so it would work with your schedule
15:31 < gsmet> but I will be on vacation from May 3rd to May 9th
15:31 < gsmet> so I would need to get the PR ready by then and get it in
15:32 < gsmet> btw ^ PTO from May 3rd to May 9th
15:32 < yrodiere> ok
15:32 < gsmet> that's pretty much if for me
15:32 < gsmet> #topic Progress Yoann
15:32 < yrodiere> So, hi and sorry I joined late, I was reviewing a PR and
forgot about the meeting
15:32 < yrodiere> Not much progress on my side since I only worked four
days because of PTO and public holidays
15:33 < yrodiere> I reviewed a bunch of PRs
15:33 < yrodiere> Most of them were Fabio's, but one of them was from an
external contributor, who fixed a minor problem in the Elasticsearch
integration in 5.11
15:33 < yrodiere> Always nice to see external contributions
15:33 < yrodiere> I also had to work a bit on a java.time-related issue in
15:33 < jbossbot> git pull req [hibernate-orm] (open) Yoann Rodière
HHH-13357 OffsetTimeTest fails using TimeAsTimestampRemappingH2Dialect in
non-GMT European time zones
15:33 < jbossbot> jira [HHH-13357] OffsetTimeTest fails using
TimeAsTimestampRemappingH2Dialect in non-GMT European time zones [Open
(Unresolved) Bug, Major, hibernate-core, Yoann Rodière]
15:33 < yrodiere> Apart from that, I added support for Elasticsearch 6.7 in
Hibernate Search
15:33 < gsmet> you can't help it apparently :)
15:34 < yrodiere> the failing test was one I added, I kinda had to have a
look :/
15:34 < yrodiere> ES6.7 support required to make the dialect system in the
Elasticsearch backend a bit more flexible, so that Quarkus users don't have
to specify a new dialect when migrating from 6.6 to 6.7
just to avoid a few server-side warnings
15:34 < yrodiere> that's also what will require us to re-release for Quarkus
15:34 < yrodiere> That took a bit of time but I eventually got there
15:35 < yrodiere> I also started to work on a way for users to explicitly
declare which properties they depend on in a given bridge:
15:35 < jbossbot> jira [HSEARCH-3297] Add an API to declare reindexing
conditions in bridges [In Progress (Unresolved) New Feature, Major,
mapper-pojo, Yoann Rodière]
15:35 < yrodiere> It will replace the accessor-based APIs, which was a bit
weird and will now be considered experimental.
15:35 < yrodiere> It should make writing bridges easier, though a bit more
dodgy too. We decided it was for the best in the F2F meeting.
15:35 < yrodiere> I'm not done yet, I'll finish this during the next two
15:35 < yrodiere> That's mostly it for the past two weeks.
15:36 < gsmet> #topic Next 2 weeks Yoann
15:36 < yrodiere> I'll first finish that work on the explicit declaration
of dependencies in bridges
15:36 < yrodiere> I also want to make support for ES 7 official, since they
officially released ES7
15:36 < gsmet> I was going to say that :)
15:36 < yrodiere> This shouldn't be much work since I already got it
working with Beta1
15:37 < yrodiere> apart from that...
15:37 < yrodiere> I have a bunch of tickets to expand on the current APIs
15:37 < yrodiere> like forcing users to declare which fields are
15:38 < yrodiere> preparing the DSL for the introduction of query-wide
extensions, such as what we'll have to do later for aggregations in
15:38 < yrodiere> things like that
15:38 < yrodiere> and well, there's the release
15:38 < yrodiere> that's all from me
15:39 < gsmet> ok, thanks!
15:39 < gsmet> thanks everyone