Christian Bauer wrote:
On Jul 2, 2007, at 4:58 PM, Brian Stansberry wrote:
> FYI, there are a bunch of EJB3 clustered entity test failures in AS
> trunk due to a bad interaction between Hibernate 3.2.4.SP1 and JBoss
> Cache 2.0.0. Basically, this is a temporary mismatch between
> Hibernate and JBC. There's work in Hibernate Core's trunk for the 3.3
> release that can let us resolve this, but for now the tests are going
> to fail.
> Problem is the integration layer ends up calling the JBC
> putForExternalRead() method when it needs to cache something in the
> "UpdateTimestampsCache". JBC treats a calls to this method as a no-op
> if the cache node in question already exists. This is new behavior in
> JBC 2.0. It's the necessary and intended behavior when the method is
> called for caching entities and collections. But when it's called for
> the UpdateTimestampsCache, it causes problems. The Hibernate 3.3.
> codebase gives us the flexibility to call a different method for the
> UpdateTimestampsCache call; to fix the problem we need determine the
> exact behavior we want for the UpdateTimestampsCache call and make the
> appropriate call to JBC.
Can we put this on the JBoss Cache/Hibernate wiki page with a final
conclusion and guidelines for current users of both?
I added a version of the above to
As mentioned there, a bunch of us will be meeting the week of July 23 to
deal with these issues. We'll update the wiki after those discussions.
As for "current users of both", the only code I'm aware of that
currently tries to integrate Hibernate and JBC 2.0 is the EJB3 stuff in
AS trunk. Unless I hear about an impending release off that code base, I
intend to leave that as is until we sort it out at the end of the month.
There is a "cache-jbosscache2" directory structure in Hibernate Core
trunk, but at the moment that's empty.
Brian Stansberry
Lead, AS Clustering
JBoss, a division of Red Hat