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> Just to clarify though, I was under the impression the
> runtime configuration was generated by the cache, by
> attaching various runtime subsystems that are built based on
> the configuration XML such as the TM. The reason we exposed
> it is so that such systems could be overridden/injected at
> runtime by the MC. So it would just need to be a sequence of events
> that change:
> 1) create cache
> 2) start cache
> 3) inject specific subsystems such as the TM
> Does it not work this way with the MC?
No, the MC builds up the entire Configuration structure and then
it into the bean that instantiates the cache (bean is either a
CacheFactory instance or an instance CacheJmxWrapper, which internally
uses the CacheFactory).
In order to have the runtime objects available when needed, the
would need to be:
1) Create config bean x- runtime objects
2) Use config to instantiate cache bean
3) Inject runtime objects into config bean
4) Call create() on cache bean
5) Call start() on cache bean
I don't see how the MC could possibly manage that sequence, since it
requires weaving together operations on 2 different beans (really 3
beans, since step #2 has a factory involved.) If we used
CacheJmxWrapper, and added properties to it for the runtime
objects, it
could have that sequence hard coded, but that's a nasty hack.
Fair enough, I suspected it would be the case.
> The reason why I want to make sure we reset RuntimeConfig and
> clone Configuration is if we have 2 cache instances in the
> same JVM, we may need cache-specific instances of more than just the
> NodeFactory.
OK, that's fine, but
1) reset() should limit itself to objects that are clearly meant to be
cache-specific (which is what you did w/ #5 above).
2) I don't think cloning the configuration is the responsibility of
CacheFactory. It's the responsibility of the caller. As we
explore use
cases for reusing configurations, we may come up with some classes
help manage configurations for people, e.g. a ConfigurationFactory
similar to JChannelFactory. Those classes could be responsible for
Fair enough as well, we would have to make sure this is clearly
documented. I'd still want to force a reset on the NodeFactory
though; a NodeFactory should not exist before a Cache does. Will
look into it for BETA1.
A problem here is TransactionManager, JChannelFactory and MBeanServer
are kind of neither fish nor fowl. They can reasonably be injected
the cache and IMHO should be if the environment supports that. If the
environment doesn't support that, we have stuff like
TransactionManagerLookup to substitute for the missing IOC framework.
Again, I see what you mean - an IOC framework is sorely missed, maybe
at some stage we ought to bring the MC into the JBC core.
Another thing to consider is whether we want the cache to have the
ability to look up the multiplexer in JMX, or whether that becomes the
task of some other integration layer (e.g. CacheJmxWrapper) that
the Configuration and builds the cache. If we remove that from the
cache then:
a) JChannelFactory is only available from external injection --
i.e. the
cache doesn't add it to its own Configuration.
b) Not sure, but I think we don't need MBeanServer anymore.
+1 from me on this; I'm all for the simplicity.
That would leave only TransactionManager as the "neither fish nor
- Brian