WRT JBCACHE-1167 I'm writing a test to create this situation where
JBC's Sync is called with a STATUS_UKNOWN and I notice that the
OrderedSynchronizationHandler and DummyTransaction in JBoss Cache
swallow any exceptions in afterCompletion(), simply logging the outcome.
Lines 269 - 274.
Makes unit testing pretty tough if the TM swallows the failure here. ;)
Jonathan, how does JBossTS behave (or how should any TM behave) at
this stage? I'm assuming keep the exception, set status to
STATUS_UNKNOWN for the remaining syncs, and then throw the exception?
Brian, how would this affect the BatchModeTM, which relies on the
DummyTM? Do you ever have a case of more than one transaction
participant in a "batch"?
On 16 Aug 2007, at 11:46, Jonathan Halliday wrote:
Hi Manik
Although this support issue is ultimately an Oracle problem, it
does expose a weakness in the JBoss Cache. Where an XA transaction
has a heuristic outcome, the status reported to the afterCompletion
synchronization is STATUS_UNKNOWN (5), since JTA does not handle
heuristics. In this case, the cache Synchronization fails to
rollback the cache tx. This leaves the app server in a bad (i.e.
locked) state even though the XA transaction has been resolved.
At first glance it looks like the afterCompletion synchronization
should treat a STATUS_UNKNOWN as a cause for rollback as well as
logging the error as they currently do. Unfortunately the fix may
be more complex than that, since the db may have committed rather
than rolled back, meaning the cache would be out of sync with the
db if you rolled it back. What you really need is proper XA
resources rather than synchronizations for the cache, but that is a
much bigger job.
[ EAP 4.2, i.e. cache 1.4.1.SP3]
2007-08-15 16:24:13,734,ERROR,,,,
[OrderedSynchronizationHandler],JMS SessionPool Worker-0,failed
calling afterCompletion() on TxInte
(gtx=GlobalTransaction:<>:2, tx=TransactionImple <
ac, BasicAction: a1962a5:be3: 46c36d0d:da status:
ActionStatus.COMMITTED >)^M
11806 java.lang.IllegalStateException: illegal status: 5^M
11807 at org.jboss.cache.interceptors.TxInterceptor
11808 at org.jboss.cache.interceptors.TxInterceptor
11809 at
11810 at
11811 at
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: New case comment notification. Case Number 00017677
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2007 10:31:36 +0000 (GMT)
From: Jonathan Halliday <jhallida(a)redhat.com>
To: support-as(a)jboss.com <support-as(a)jboss.com>
Jonathan Halliday has added a comment to case 00017677 : "JBoss 4.2
and OracleXA Error - XAException.XAER_RMERR". Please read the
comment below and then click on the link to respond appropriately.
The logs show that Oracle is throwing an error during an XA commit.
Since it's in the second phase of the 2PC, this leads to a
heuristic outcome to the transaction. Unfortunately JBoss cache is
not handling this well, leading it to keep locks on some data.
Subsequent errors cascade from this. You need to take up the
matter with DataDirect and Oracle to determine why it's failing on
the commit.
spy(JMS SessionPool Worker-0)>> XAResource[5].commit(Xid xid,
boolean onePhase)
spy(JMS SessionPool Worker-0)>> xid =
spy(JMS SessionPool Worker-0)>> onePhase = false
JJH spy(JMS SessionPool Worker-0)>> *** XAException
javax.transaction.xa.XAException: [DataDirect][Oracle JDBC Driver]
Oracle XA Error Occurred. Native Error: 1 -3=XAER_RMERR ***
javax.transaction.xa.XAException: [DataDirect][Oracle JDBC Driver]
Oracle XA Error Occurred. Native Error: 1
at com.ddtek.jdbcx.oracle.OracleImplXAResource.checkError(Unknown
at com.ddtek.jdbcx.oracle.OracleImplXAResource.commit(Unknown Source)
at com.ddtek.jdbcx.base.BaseXAResource.commit(Unknown Source)
at com.ddtek.jdbcspy.SpyXAResource.commit(Unknown Source)
at org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.xa.XAManagedConnection.commit
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Directors: Michael Cunningham (USA), Charlie Peters (USA) and David
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