Hello Manik,
I have 2 minor fixes which might be useful to include, should I send you context diffs ?
The fixes are:
1) Fix for JDBC Cache Loader create/drop of jbosscache_D table when create/drop property
is set to false
2) Fix for JDBC Cache Loader to escape '_' and '%' characters occurring in
FQNs when the FQN is used in a SQL LIKE clause, for example on removing a node. The
characters are treated as wild cards and can cause either incorrect matches, or
performance issues where an index scan happens instead of an index seek.
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From: jbosscache-dev-bounces(a)lists.jboss.org [jbosscache-dev-bounces(a)lists.jboss.org] On
Behalf Of Manik Surtani [manik(a)jboss.org]
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 7:38 PM
To: jbosscache-dev
Subject: [jbosscache-dev] Towards JBC 3.2.0.GA
Looking at your comments and recent JIRAs created,
1. JBCACHE-1531: Agree with your solution here, it is simple and
makes sense. I'll have this in trunk this AM.
2. JBCACHE-1530: Where are we with this? Did your changes work?
Regarding releases, I'm guessing you are still working with
snapshots? If we have the above 2 issues closed I can release a
3.2.0.CR1 for further testing.
Manik Surtani
Lead, Infinispan
Lead, JBoss Cache
jbosscache-dev mailing list