I've added EMMA code coverage to the JBC support POMs. This is
disabled by default since it entails adding interceptors to tests and
makes the test suite run slower than usual. Instead it can be run
manually whenever new features are added or there are significant code
changes, etc. to ensure we have a decent level of code coverage.
This is formally a part of jbosscache-common 1.3, but recent 1.3-
SNAPSHOT versions have this as well.
You can enable it by specifying the "codeCoverage" profile. If you
run the "site" goal, it will generate HTML reports based on the tests
$ mvn site -PcodeCoverage
will run the default test suite (tests in the "unit" group in
jbosscache-core, for example, or "functional" in jbosscache-pojo).
In jbosscache-core, other test suites can be selected by specifying
the necessary profile.
$ mvn site -PcodeCoverage,test-functional
Please see README-Maven.txt for more details.
Reports are in
which has links to EMMA code coverage reports, etc.
Manik Surtani
Lead, JBoss Cache