Attached is a comparison between old and new impl on JDBC cache loading.
Basically recursion was eliminated in the case of loadState and remove, and
the put had a 50% optimization. All other operation are more or less a
single db call, so nothing can really be programmatically improved.
The second image contains the design. Any comments are extremely welcomed :)
Nothing is committed yet on CVS.
An open issue is the backward compatibility - working on that.
How I've tested the performance (phps more easy to understand it from code
a tree with a TREE_DEPTH depth is created. Each node in the tree has a
CHILDREN number of children. By default I've used TREE_DEPTH=7 and
CHILDREN=3 which gave a total number of 3280 children. A node is selected at
each depth from disjunct subtrees. ( i.e. in the benchmark used 7 nodes
are selected). On all those nodes a certain operation is performed:
loadState, remove etc. For benchmarking the put operation, the in memory
tree nodes are Collections.shuffle(List<Fqn>), then they are (randomly)
added to the database/classLoader.put. This procedure was repeated sever
times. Also additional testing was performed in the case of put for deep
trees (100 - 200 nodes)