No, the status is determined before any of the
afterCompletions run and does not change. An
afterCompletions success/failure does not change the
transaction outcome. They are in effect receiving
notification of an earlier event and the notifications are
independent, may happen in arbitrary order or even in
parallel. Well, aside from the use of
TransactionSynchronizationRegistry, but that's another story.
Manik Surtani wrote:
Ok, then the DummyTM's current behaviour of swallowing exceptions
afterCompletion() is correct?
What about the status that gets passed into subsequent Syncs after an
exception is encountered? I'd expect something like (pseudocode):
int status = getStatusFromBeforeCompletion();
for (Synchronization s : syncs)
catch (Exception e)
status = STATUS_UNKNOWN; // so subsequent Syncs get this status
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