-----Original Message-----
From: Manik Surtani [mailto:manik@jboss.org]
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 4:21 AM
To: Bela Ban
Cc: Vladimir Blagojevic; jbosscache-dev(a)lists.jboss.org
Subject: Re: [jbosscache-dev] JBoss Cache 2.0.0.ALPHA status
I agree with this - but just to re-iterate, the only
improvement here
is formalising the format of state stored in the loaders, am
I correct?
Or is it more like removing load/store state methods on the cache
loader interface altogether and let the interceptors deal with this
using loader.put()/get() calls - since this is what happens
internally (within the cloader impl) anyway?
I am not sure how Bela envisioned that cacheloader can be refactored to
interceptor but I suppose it is possible. What we talked about was
generic cacheloader storeState Method in AbstractCacheLoader. StoreState
can be generic since we simply read NodeData objects from stream and
put on underlying cacheloader. I suppose we can also make generic
that only relies on cacheloader's get method and a recursive call. That
be cool. But yes cacheloaders are getting simpler and easier to
implement :)