hi all,
I have run clover once more to measure our coverage for Habanero after CR3 release. The
results are posted on wiki @
This time around I separated test suite coverage from source code coverage by filtering on
I also checked in clover.jar and clover.license and ant targets for anyone to run the test
To run those targets do the following:
1. Instrument the code with clover by executing the command line : sh build.sh with.clover
all-functionaltests . This command will create a directory under jboss_cache_home named
clover and the coverage db will be in a sub-directory named coverage
2. Produce reports in html format by executing the command : sh build.sh clover.html .
This command will create a directory under clover named report and the reports will be
under a sub-directory named html
3. Produce reports in pdf format by executing the command : sh build.sh clover.pdf . This
command will create a sub-directory under report named pdf and place the reports there.
4. Produce reports in xml format by executing the command : sh build.sh clover.xml . This
command will create a sub-directory under report named xml and place the reports there.
You will notice 2 sets of reports all the time one under each format. One set reports on
the source files "src" and the other set reports on test suite coverage