I played around with one way to deal with this.
Speaking in db isolation terms, let's say a non-repeatable-read means a
tx reads a node's *data map* twice and gets different results. A phantom
read means a tx reads a node's *child map* twice and gets different
results. Conceptually, a JBC node represents both a "row" (data map) and
a query result set (children map -- set of rows that share a common
characteristic that the parent represents). (I know this analogy is
inexact, but, ...).
In 1.4.0.SP1, REPEATABLE_READ meant you wouldn't get
non-repeatable-reads, but could get phantom reads. With 1.4.1, you also
don't get phantom reads (at least with respect to a node's immediate
children). But, in many cases this behavior is unneeded and undesirable,
and JBC no longer offers the old behavior.
I attempted to remedy this with a new IsolationLevel
REPEATABLE_DATA_READ, which basically provides the 1.4.0 semantics.
This was actually very easy to do.
1) LockStrategyFactory creates the same LockStrategy for
REPEATABLE_DATA_READ as for REPEATABLE_READ -- hence lock behavior at
the node level is unaffected.
2) PessimisticLockInterceptor uses the new level when deciding whether
to WL a parent before adding/removing a node. Manik nicely encapsulated
that logic, so it was simple to change. Here's a diff to the head of
### Eclipse Workspace Patch 1.0
#P JBossCache
Index: src/org/jboss/cache/interceptors/PessimisticLockInterceptor.java
RCS file:
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.20.2.8 PessimisticLockInterceptor.java
--- src/org/jboss/cache/interceptors/PessimisticLockInterceptor.java
14 Dec 2006 12:51:48 -0000
+++ src/org/jboss/cache/interceptors/PessimisticLockInterceptor.java
28 Jan 2007 21:08:55 -0000
@@ -41,6 +41,8 @@
public class PessimisticLockInterceptor extends Interceptor
TransactionTable tx_table = null;
+ boolean writeLockOnChildInsertRemove = true;
* Map<Object, java.util.List>. Keys = threads, values = lists of
locks held by that thread
@@ -55,6 +57,7 @@
tx_table = cache.getTransactionTable();
lock_table = cache.getLockTable();
lock_acquisition_timeout = cache.getLockAcquisitionTimeout();
+ writeLockOnChildInsertRemove = (cache.getIsolationLevelClass() !=
@@ -323,12 +326,14 @@
private boolean writeLockNeeded(int lock_type, int currentNodeIndex,
int treeNodeSize, boolean isRemoveOperation, boolean createIfNotExists,
Fqn targetFqn, Fqn currentFqn)
- if (isRemoveOperation && currentNodeIndex == treeNodeSize - 2)
- return true; // we're doing a remove and we've reached the
PARENT node of the target to be removed.
- if (!isTargetNode(currentNodeIndex, treeNodeSize) &&
!cache.exists(new Fqn(currentFqn, targetFqn.get(currentNodeIndex + 1))))
- return createIfNotExists; // we're at a node in the tree, not
yet at the target node, and we need to create the next node. So we need
a WL here.
+ if (writeLockOnChildInsertRemove)
+ {
+ if (isRemoveOperation && currentNodeIndex == treeNodeSize - 2)
+ return true; // we're doing a remove and we've reached the
PARENT node of the target to be removed.
+ if (!isTargetNode(currentNodeIndex, treeNodeSize) &&
!cache.exists(new Fqn(currentFqn, targetFqn.get(currentNodeIndex + 1))))
+ return createIfNotExists; // we're at a node in the tree,
not yet at the target node, and we need to create the next node. So we
need a WL here.
+ }
return lock_type == DataNode.LOCK_TYPE_WRITE &&
isTargetNode(currentNodeIndex, treeNodeSize) && (createIfNotExists ||
isRemoveOperation); //normal operation, write lock explicitly requested
and this is the target to be written to.
jbosscache-dev-bounces(a)lists.jboss.org wrote:
In 1.4.1.GA, we introduced node locking semantics that
weren't there in the previous few releases (and maybe never
were there). This is causing significant integration issues.
Specifically, before inserting or removing a child node, we
acquire a WL on the parent. Previously, only a RL was acquired.
I'm concerned about anomalies this might cause in apps that
intentionally or unintentionally depends on the old behavior.
For example, the AS http session repl code assumes it has
freedom to add/remove cache nodes that represent a session
underneath the parent that represents the webapp. Now these
activities will block until any activity on any other session
is complete. With FIELD granularity, that's a big issue, as
locks are held throughout the web request. It will likely
cause issues with other granularities as well. (We already
saw a minor issue in a support case when a customer tried to upgrade
4.0.5 to 1.4.1).
This definitely breaks the Hibernate (and thus EJB3 entity bean
clustering) integration with 1.4.1.GA. Basically, assume
there is an entity Person, with a child collection
"children". Hibernate caches the entity, and later caches
the child collection in a child node.
1) Transaction tx = tm.begin();
2) cache.get("/Person/Person#1/children", ITEM); // returns
null -- not cached yet
3) read db to get the ids of the collection elements
4) tx.suspend();
5) cache.putFailFast("/Person/Person#1/children", ITEM, data); 6)
This fails in step 5, because with the tx suspended, the
putFailFast() call cannot acquire the WL on /Person/Person#1
that it needs to insert /Person/Person#1/children.
Hmm, an EJB3 unit test shows that problem occuring, but I
assume even simple entity caching will break:
1) Transaction tx = tm.begin();
2) cache.get("/Person/Person#2", ITEM); // returns null --
not cached yet
3) read db to get the Person
4) tx.suspend();
5) cache.putFailFast("/Person/Person#1", ITEM, data); 6) tx.resume();
We need a quick workaround for this in the 1.4 branch, as
it's a blocker for EJB3 RC10 and AS 4.2.
Brian Stansberry
Lead, AS Clustering
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
Ph: 510-396-3864
skype: bstansberry
jbosscache-dev mailing list