Ondřej Chaloupka reassigned JBTM-2428:
Assignee: Tomasz Adamski (was: Ondřej Chaloupka)
JTS client side transaction context seems not being propagated to EAP
Key: JBTM-2428
Project: JBoss Transaction Manager
Issue Type: Bug
Affects Versions: 5.1.1
Reporter: Ondřej Chaloupka
Assignee: Tomasz Adamski
It seems that transaction context is not propagated when JTS transaction is started on
This was working for EAP 6.4 where iiop corba implementation was used. The testing client
is based on guide [1].
The call from client to server via IIOP [4] works fine but when I'm trying to start
transaction on client side and then expecting being propagated to server, server proclaims
that there is no txn in the context.
This is how the orb is set up [2]
This is how the transaction is started [3]
This is how the remote call on ejb app server is done [4]
[5] [com.arjuna.ats.jts] (main) ARJUNA022251: The ORBManager is already associated with
an ORB/OA.
FINE [javax.enterprise.resource.corba._DEFAULT_.rpc.protocol] (main) "IOP01600014:
(BAD_INV_ORDER) Cannot access this attribute or method at this point":
org.omg.CORBA.BAD_INV_ORDER: vmcid: OMG minor code: 14 completed: No
-- or --
FINE [javax.enterprise.resource.corba._CORBA_.rpc.presentation] (main)
"IOP00110227: (BAD_PARAM) ORBDynamicStubFactoryFactoryClass property had value
com.sun.corba.se.impl.presentation.rmi.bcel.StubFactoryFactoryBCELImpl, which could not be
loaded by the ORB ClassLoader": org.omg.CORBA.BAD_PARAM: vmcid: SUN minor code:
227 completed: No