Michael Musgrove updated JBTM-3017:
Status: Resolved (was: Pull Request Sent)
Resolution: Done
The fix detects and reports issues (via RecoveryMonitor) with XAResources (such as not
being able to contact one of the configured resources). This is sufficient to ensure that
all potential orphans were detected. If support for other transaction types such as
subordinate transactions is required then a separate JIRA should be raised.
Provide a check to see if the last recovery scan "cleaned"
the store.
Key: JBTM-3017
Project: JBoss Transaction Manager
Issue Type: Feature Request
Components: Recovery, Tooling
Affects Versions: 5.8.1.Final
Reporter: Michael Musgrove
Assignee: Michael Musgrove
Fix For: 5.next
There are some recovery manager use cases where the user needs to know that the log store
is empty and that all orphans have been detected (for example it is possible that some
resource managers were not available during the last scan).
This feature would be particularly useful when running on OpenShift in order to determine
when it is safe scale down and reclaim the space used by a pod.
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