"vdurbha" wrote : But the server side endpoint still does not work if I use
@HandlerChain annotation instead of @EndpointConfig to set the security handler. After
digging into the source code of JBossWS and the log files for a few hours, I understood
that for the WS-Security handler to work correctly, it has to be configured as a POST
Handler type. When I used @HandlerChain annotation, it is configured as ENDPOINT Handler
type. I was not able to find anyway to specify the type of handler in a standard way.
You're right, you can't configure POST handlers using the standard descriptor.
This is a limitation of the native stack; in the case of ws-addresing configuration you
can use the standard @Addressing annotation, but there's no similar standard
annotation for ws-security. Do you have multiple handlers? Never tried, but I though
ws-addresing native impl could work even with ENDPOINT handlers if they're in the
right position in the chain and there aren't other handlers in POST (decryption needs
to happen first, encryption needs to happen last)
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