I've created an EJB 3.0 Web Service and deployed in Jboss 4.2.2. My ejb jar file is
packaged inside an ear file. There are two problems now
1- i've tried to use the @SoapBinding annotation to make my webserice use RPC/Encoded
style like this:
@SOAPBinding(style = SOAPBinding.Style.RPC, use= SOAPBinding.Use.ENCODED)
but it doesn't work, it still creates wsdl file with Document/literal.
2- Secondly how can i change the soap address of my webservice? Currently the soap
address, jboss creates is
http://localhost:8080/my-ear-file/ejb-jar-file/SessionBeanName?wsdl. I want it to be
change something like
http://localhost:8080/myWebSerivce/myName?wsdl. Is it possible?
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