JBoss World JBoss World Hackathon
by Heiko Braun
Anybody going to attend JBoss World this year?
Theres a hackathon scheduled, an open get together and code event.
I will be there and would like to know what topics you would like to
cover there.
Any suggestions welcome.
17 years
[JBossWS] - Re: Adding application specific properties to the MessageCon
by yhrn
anonymous wrote : The docs say you can get the RequestContext from the BindingProvider, add properties all on the client, and then that is accessible via the MessageContext on the server.
In what document have you read that? The properties you set on a BindingProvider request context is used to initialize the client side message context which is available to all client side handlers and the client side JAX-WS runtime.
If you want the properties set on BindingProvider request context to be transferred to the server you can implement a custom handler on the client side that puts it in the SOAP header and a server side handler that retrieves the properties from the header and puts it in the message context on the server side. The following is quoted from the JAX-WS 2.1 spec:
anonymous wrote : Handlers may manipulate the values and scope of properties within the message context as desired. E.g.,
| a handler in a client-side SOAP binding might introduce a header into a SOAP request message to carry
| metadata from a property that originated in a BindingProvider request context; a handler in a server-side
| SOAP binding might add application scoped properties to the message context from the contents of a header
| in a request SOAP message that is then made available in the context available (via injection) to a service
| endpoint implementation.
View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4120743#4120743
Reply to the post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=posting&mode=reply&p=4120743
17 years