[JBoss Web Services Users] - Re: Problem of polymorphism of JBoss WebService
by xiangyingbing
============below codes are for Client test ============
============below codes are for Client test ============
============below codes are for Client test ============
| /**
| * EJBWebServiceBean.java
| *
| * This file was auto-generated from WSDL
| * by the Apache Axis 1.4 Apr 22, 2006 (06:55:48 PDT) WSDL2Java emitter.
| */
| package com.ybxiang.ejbws;
| import javax.jws.WebMethod;
| import javax.jws.WebService;
| @WebService
| public interface EJBWebServiceBean extends java.rmi.Remote {
| @WebMethod
| public void passParameter1(java.lang.String arg0) throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
| @WebMethod
| public void passParameter2(com.ybxiang.ejbws.Animal arg0) throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
| @WebMethod
| public void passParameter3(com.ybxiang.ejbws.Human arg0) throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
| @WebMethod
| public void passParameter4(com.ybxiang.ejbws.Animal[] arg0) throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
| @WebMethod
| public com.ybxiang.ejbws.Animal[] returnSomething1(int arg0) throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
| }
| package com.ybxiang.ejbws;
| import java.net.URL;
| import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
| import javax.xml.ws.Service;
| public class TestMain {
| public static void main(String []args){
| try {
| URL location = new URL("");
| QName serviceName = new QName("http://ejbws.ybxiang.com/","EJBWebServiceBeanService");
| Service service = Service.create(location, serviceName);
| //service.setHandlerResolver(new EmsHandlerResolver());
| QName port = new QName("http://ejbws.ybxiang.com/","EJBWebServiceBeanPort");
| EJBWebServiceBean ejbWebServiceBean = service.getPort(port, EJBWebServiceBean.class);
| Animal a1 = new Animal();
| a1.setName("Animal.1");
| a1.setAge(new Long(1));
| //
| Animal a2 = new Animal();
| a2.setName("Animal.2");
| a2.setAge(new Long(2));
| //
| Human h = new Human();
| h.setName("Human.1");
| h.setAge(new Long(1));
| h.setEmail("human1(a)gmail.com");
| System.out.println("===================testing===========================");
| System.out.println("test:ejbWebServiceBean.passParameter1(\"Test string\");");
| ejbWebServiceBean.passParameter1("Test string");
| System.out.println("test:ejbWebServiceBean.passParameter2(a1);");
| ejbWebServiceBean.passParameter2(a1);
| System.out.println("test:ejbWebServiceBean.passParameter2(h);");
| ejbWebServiceBean.passParameter2(h);
| System.out.println("test:ejbWebServiceBean.passParameter3(h);");
| ejbWebServiceBean.passParameter3(h);
| //
| Animal aa[] = new Animal[]{a1,a2};
| System.out.println("test:ejbWebServiceBean.passParameter4(aa);");
| ejbWebServiceBean.passParameter4(aa);
| //
| Human hh[] = new Human[]{h};
| System.out.println("test:ejbWebServiceBean.passParameter4(hh);");
| ejbWebServiceBean.passParameter4(hh);
| //
| System.out.println("---------------[animal]------------------");
| Animal[] returnedValue1 = ejbWebServiceBean.returnSomething1(1);
| System.out.println("------------returnedValue1:");
| for(Animal item:returnedValue1){
| System.out.println(" *** item:"+item);
| }
| System.out.println("---------------[human]------------------");
| Animal[] returnedValue2 = ejbWebServiceBean.returnSomething1(2);
| System.out.println("------------returnedValue2:");
| for(Animal item:returnedValue2){
| System.out.println(" *** item:"+item);
| }
| } catch (Exception e) {
| e.printStackTrace();
| }
| }
| }
View the original post : http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4263902#4263902
Reply to the post : http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=posting&mode=reply&p=4263902
15 years, 1 month
[JBoss Web Services Users] - Re: Problem of polymorphism of JBoss WebService
by xiangyingbing
package com.ybxiang.ejbws;
| import java.util.ArrayList;
| import java.util.Iterator;
| import javax.jws.WebMethod;
| public interface EJBWebServiceInterface {
| public void passParameter1(String s);
| public void passParameter2(Animal a);
| public void passParameter3(Human h);
| public void passParameter4(ArrayList<Animal> lst);
| public ArrayList<? extends Animal> returnSomething1(int type);
| }
| package com.ybxiang.ejbws;
| import java.util.ArrayList;
| import java.util.Iterator;
| import javax.ejb.Stateless;
| import javax.jws.WebMethod;
| import javax.jws.WebService;
| import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSeeAlso;
| import javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding;
| @Stateless
| @WebService
| //(a)**XmlSeeAlso({Animal.class, Human.class})// Here i tried too!
| public class EJBWebServiceBean implements EJBWebServiceInterface{
| @WebMethod
| public void passParameter1(String s){
| System.out.println("------------String is got:"+s);
| }
| @WebMethod
| public void passParameter2(Animal a){
| System.out.println("------------Animal is got:"+a);
| if(a instanceof Human){
| System.out.println("************* It's realy human!!! *************");
| }
| }
| @WebMethod
| public void passParameter3(Human h){
| System.out.println("------------Human is got, name:"+h.getName()+", email:"+h.getEmail());
| }
| @WebMethod
| public void passParameter4(ArrayList<Animal> lst){
| System.out.println("------------ArrayList<Animal> is got:");
| if(lst!=null){
| Iterator<Animal> it = lst.iterator();
| Animal a = it.next();
| if(a instanceof Human){
| System.out.println("One human is got:"+((Human)a));
| }else{
| System.out.println("One Animal is got:"+a);
| }
| }else{
| System.out.println("------------List is null.");
| }
| }
| @WebMethod
| public ArrayList<? extends Animal> returnSomething1(int type){
| if(type==1){
| ArrayList<Animal> aa = new ArrayList<Animal>();
| {
| Animal animal1 = new Animal();
| animal1.setName("Animal.1");
| animal1.setAge(new Long(1));
| aa.add(animal1);
| }
| {
| Animal animal2 = new Animal();
| animal2.setName("Animal.2");
| animal2.setAge(new Long(2));
| aa.add(animal2);
| }
| return aa;
| }else{
| ArrayList<Human> bb = new ArrayList<Human>();
| {
| Human human1 = new Human();
| human1.setName("Human.1");
| human1.setAge(new Long(1));
| bb.add(human1);
| }
| {
| Human human2 = new Human();
| human2.setName("Human.2");
| human2.setAge(new Long(2));
| bb.add(human2);
| }
| return bb;
| }
| }
| }
View the original post : http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4263901#4263901
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15 years, 1 month
[JBoss Web Services Users] - Re: Problem of polymorphism of JBoss WebService
by xiangyingbing
Printed result:
18:05:26,120 WARN [StatelessBeanContext] EJBTHREE-1337: do not get WebServiceContext property from stateless bean context, it should already have been injected
18:05:26,120 INFO [STDOUT] ------------String is got:Test string
18:05:26,120 WARN [StatelessBeanContext] EJBTHREE-1337: do not get WebServiceContext property from stateless bean context, it should already have been injected
18:05:26,136 WARN [StatelessBeanContext] EJBTHREE-1337: do not get WebServiceContext property from stateless bean context, it should already have been injected
18:05:26,136 INFO [STDOUT] ------------Animal is got:Animal-->name:Animal.1,age:1
18:05:26,136 WARN [StatelessBeanContext] EJBTHREE-1337: do not get WebServiceContext property from stateless bean context, it should already have been injected
18:05:26,136 WARN [StatelessBeanContext] EJBTHREE-1337: do not get WebServiceContext property from stateless bean context, it should already have been injected
18:05:26,136 INFO [STDOUT] ------------Animal is got:Animal-->name:Human.1,age:1
18:05:26,136 WARN [StatelessBeanContext] EJBTHREE-1337: do not get WebServiceContext property from stateless bean context, it should already have been injected
18:05:26,151 WARN [StatelessBeanContext] EJBTHREE-1337: do not get WebServiceContext property from stateless bean context, it should already have been injected
18:05:26,151 INFO [STDOUT] ------------Human is got, name:Human.1, email:human1@gmail.com
18:05:26,151 WARN [StatelessBeanContext] EJBTHREE-1337: do not get WebServiceContext property from stateless bean context, it should already have been injected
18:05:26,151 WARN [StatelessBeanContext] EJBTHREE-1337: do not get WebServiceContext property from stateless bean context, it should already have been injected
18:05:26,151 INFO [STDOUT] ------------ArrayList is got:
18:05:26,151 INFO [STDOUT] One Animal is got:Animal-->name:Animal.1,age:1
18:05:26,151 WARN [StatelessBeanContext] EJBTHREE-1337: do not get WebServiceContext property from stateless bean context, it should already have been injected
18:05:26,151 WARN [StatelessBeanContext] EJBTHREE-1337: do not get WebServiceContext property from stateless bean context, it should already have been injected
18:05:26,151 INFO [STDOUT] ------------ArrayList is got:
18:05:26,151 INFO [STDOUT] One Animal is got:Animal-->name:Human.1,age:1
INFO: Dynamically creating request wrapper Class com.ybxiang.ejbws.jaxws.ReturnSomething1
Nov 4, 2009 6:05:25 PM com.sun.xml.internal.ws.model.RuntimeModeler getResponseWrapperClass
INFO: Dynamically creating response wrapper bean Class com.ybxiang.ejbws.jaxws.ReturnSomething1Response
test:ejbWebServiceBean.passParameter1("Test string");
*** item:Animal-->name:Animal.1,age:1
*** item:Animal-->name:Animal.2,age:2
*** item:Animal-->name:Human.1,age:1
*** item:Animal-->name:Human.2,age:2
View the original post : http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4263894#4263894
Reply to the post : http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=posting&mode=reply&p=4263894
15 years, 1 month
[JBoss Web Services Users] - Re: Problem of polymorphism of JBoss WebService
by xiangyingbing
The client code:
Create a new java project WSClient.
Animal.java and Human.java are copied from server part.
package com.ybxiang.ejbws;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSeeAlso;
public class Animal implements java.io.Serializable{
private String name;
private Long age;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public Long getAge() {
return age;
public void setAge(Long age) {
this.age = age;
public String toString(){
return "Animal-->name:"+this.getName()+",age:"+this.getAge();
package com.ybxiang.ejbws;
public class Human extends Animal implements java.io.Serializable{
private String email;
public void setEmail(String email) {
this.email = email;
public String getEmail() {
return email;
public String toString(){
return "Human-->name:"+this.getName()+",age:"+this.getAge()+","+"email:"+email;
* EJBWebServiceBean.java
* This file was auto-generated from WSDL
* by the Apache Axis 1.4 Apr 22, 2006 (06:55:48 PDT) WSDL2Java emitter.
package com.ybxiang.ejbws;
import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import javax.jws.WebService;
public interface EJBWebServiceBean extends java.rmi.Remote {
public void passParameter1(java.lang.String arg0) throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
public void passParameter2(com.ybxiang.ejbws.Animal arg0) throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
public void passParameter3(com.ybxiang.ejbws.Human arg0) throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
public void passParameter4(com.ybxiang.ejbws.Animal[] arg0) throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
public com.ybxiang.ejbws.Animal[] returnSomething1(int arg0) throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
package com.ybxiang.ejbws;
import java.net.URL;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import javax.xml.ws.Service;
public class TestMain {
public static void main(String []args){
try {
URL location = new URL("");
QName serviceName = new QName("http://ejbws.ybxiang.com/","EJBWebServiceBeanService");
Service service = Service.create(location, serviceName);
//service.setHandlerResolver(new EmsHandlerResolver());
QName port = new QName("http://ejbws.ybxiang.com/","EJBWebServiceBeanPort");
EJBWebServiceBean ejbWebServiceBean = service.getPort(port, EJBWebServiceBean.class);
Animal a1 = new Animal();
a1.setAge(new Long(1));
Animal a2 = new Animal();
a2.setAge(new Long(2));
Human h = new Human();
h.setAge(new Long(1));
System.out.println("test:ejbWebServiceBean.passParameter1(\"Test string\");");
ejbWebServiceBean.passParameter1("Test string");
Animal aa[] = new Animal[]{a1,a2};
Human hh[] = new Human[]{h};
Animal[] returnedValue1 = ejbWebServiceBean.returnSomething1(1);
for(Animal item:returnedValue1){
System.out.println(" *** item:"+item);
Animal[] returnedValue2 = ejbWebServiceBean.returnSomething1(2);
for(Animal item:returnedValue2){
System.out.println(" *** item:"+item);
} catch (Exception e) {
View the original post : http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4263893#4263893
Reply to the post : http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=posting&mode=reply&p=4263893
15 years, 1 month
[JBoss Web Services Users] - Re: Problem of polymorphism of JBoss WebService
by xiangyingbing
I compiled those code and run in eclipse:
run as --> run on server[jboss 5.1]
Now, i can see that the web service is deployed successfully and i can visit
I got the wsdl:
- <definitions name="EJBWebServiceBeanService" targetNamespace="http://ejbws.ybxiang.com/" xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/" xmlns:tns="http://ejbws.ybxiang.com/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
- <xs:schema targetNamespace="http://ejbws.ybxiang.com/" version="1.0" xmlns:tns="http://ejbws.ybxiang.com/" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<xs:element name="passParameter1" type="tns:passParameter1" />
<xs:element name="passParameter1Response" type="tns:passParameter1Response" />
<xs:element name="passParameter2" type="tns:passParameter2" />
<xs:element name="passParameter2Response" type="tns:passParameter2Response" />
<xs:element name="passParameter3" type="tns:passParameter3" />
<xs:element name="passParameter3Response" type="tns:passParameter3Response" />
<xs:element name="passParameter4" type="tns:passParameter4" />
<xs:element name="passParameter4Response" type="tns:passParameter4Response" />
<xs:element name="returnSomething1" type="tns:returnSomething1" />
<xs:element name="returnSomething1Response" type="tns:returnSomething1Response" />
- <xs:complexType name="passParameter1">
- <xs:sequence>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="arg0" type="xs:string" />
- <xs:complexType name="passParameter1Response">
<xs:sequence />
- <xs:complexType name="passParameter2">
- <xs:sequence>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="arg0" type="tns:animal" />
- <xs:complexType name="animal">
- <xs:sequence>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="age" type="xs:long" />
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="name" type="xs:string" />
- <xs:complexType name="human">
- <xs:complexContent>
- <xs:extension base="tns:animal">
- <xs:sequence>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="email" type="xs:string" />
- <xs:complexType name="passParameter2Response">
<xs:sequence />
- <xs:complexType name="passParameter3">
- <xs:sequence>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="arg0" type="tns:human" />
- <xs:complexType name="passParameter3Response">
<xs:sequence />
- <xs:complexType name="passParameter4">
- <xs:sequence>
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="arg0" type="tns:animal" />
- <xs:complexType name="passParameter4Response">
<xs:sequence />
- <xs:complexType name="returnSomething1">
- <xs:sequence>
<xs:element name="arg0" type="xs:int" />
- <xs:complexType name="returnSomething1Response">
- <xs:sequence>
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="return" type="tns:animal" />
<soap:binding style="document" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http" />
<soap:operation soapAction="" />
<soap:body use="literal" />
<soap:body use="literal" />
<soap:operation soapAction="" />
<soap:body use="literal" />
<soap:body use="literal" />
<soap:operation soapAction="" />
<soap:body use="literal" />
<soap:body use="literal" />
<soap:operation soapAction="" />
<soap:body use="literal" />
<soap:body use="literal" />
<soap:operation soapAction="" />
<soap:body use="literal" />
<soap:body use="literal" />
<soap:address location="" />
View the original post : http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4263891#4263891
Reply to the post : http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=posting&mode=reply&p=4263891
15 years, 1 month
[JBoss Web Services Users] - Problem of polymorphism of JBoss WebService
by xiangyingbing
Dear JBoss developers,
I spent several days to solve the problem of polymorphism in JBoss WebService, but failed.
I googled many articles, Only "http://forums.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=5225941" is usefull to me. But it just does NOT work!!
Please help me. Great Thanks to any tips.
My envirionment:
Eclipse 3.2
My code:
package com.ybxiang.ejbws;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSeeAlso;
public class Animal implements java.io.Serializable{
private String name;
private Long age;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public Long getAge() {
return age;
public void setAge(Long age) {
this.age = age;
public String toString(){
return "Animal-->name:"+this.getName()+",age:"+this.getAge();
package com.ybxiang.ejbws;
public class Human extends Animal implements java.io.Serializable{
private String email;
public void setEmail(String email) {
this.email = email;
public String getEmail() {
return email;
public String toString(){
return "Human-->name:"+this.getName()+",age:"+this.getAge()+","+"email:"+email;
package com.ybxiang.ejbws;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import javax.jws.WebMethod;
public interface EJBWebServiceInterface {
public void passParameter1(String s);
public void passParameter2(Animal a);
public void passParameter3(Human h);
public void passParameter4(ArrayList lst);
public ArrayList<? extends Animal> returnSomething1(int type);
package com.ybxiang.ejbws;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import javax.ejb.Stateless;
import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import javax.jws.WebService;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSeeAlso;
import javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding;
//(a)**XmlSeeAlso({Animal.class, Human.class})
public class EJBWebServiceBean implements EJBWebServiceInterface{
public void passParameter1(String s){
System.out.println("------------String is got:"+s);
public void passParameter2(Animal a){
System.out.println("------------Animal is got:"+a);
if(a instanceof Human){
System.out.println("************* It's realy human!!! *************");
public void passParameter3(Human h){
System.out.println("------------Human is got, name:"+h.getName()+", email:"+h.getEmail());
public void passParameter4(ArrayList lst){
System.out.println("------------ArrayList is got:");
Iterator it = lst.iterator();
Animal a = it.next();
if(a instanceof Human){
System.out.println("One human is got:"+((Human)a));
System.out.println("One Animal is got:"+a);
System.out.println("------------List is null.");
public ArrayList<? extends Animal> returnSomething1(int type){
ArrayList aa = new ArrayList();
Animal animal1 = new Animal();
animal1.setAge(new Long(1));
Animal animal2 = new Animal();
animal2.setAge(new Long(2));
return aa;
ArrayList bb = new ArrayList();
Human human1 = new Human();
human1.setAge(new Long(1));
Human human2 = new Human();
human2.setAge(new Long(2));
return bb;
View the original post : http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4263889#4263889
Reply to the post : http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=posting&mode=reply&p=4263889
15 years, 1 month