Hi, I've many problems with the tools in the bin directory of jbossws2.1, when I try
to start wsprovide or wstools or wsconsume I receve an error message like this:
| C:\Documents and Settings\Angelo>wsprovide
| Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
| ls/cmd/WSProvide
But if I try to run
java org.jboss.wsf.spi.tools.cmd.WSProvide
manually it run, why?
Another question when I try to generate jax-ws artifacts I have this problem:
| C:\Documents and Settings\Angelo\workspace\WebServiceJbossWS>java org.jboss.wsf.
| spi.tools.cmd.WSProvide -w somma.Somma
| Error: Could not load class [somma.Somma]. Did you specify a valid --classpath?
In the directory somma there's the file Somma.class.
Thanks to all.
Bye Bye.
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