I have two WebServices with EJB Endpoints. (EJBWS1 and WJBWS2). Both are secure web
services and the methods in those web services has restricted access by specifying the
roles using &RolesAllowed annotation.
For example:
public String method1(){}
EJBWS1 is configured to receive the user credentials using WS-Security - User name token
(using @EndpointConfig) and EJB2WS is configured to receive credentials using Basic
Both EJB's are in the same security Domain and also in the same JAR file.
I wrote a client to pass WS-Security credentials to EJBWS1 and it works. In EJBWS1, I
called a method in EJBWS2 using EJB way (got a EJB object reference and invoke operation).
Identity get propagated and the method call in EJBWS2 gets invoked.
But when i invoke the same using webservice way, i.e in EJBWS1 method, i get a
webserviceref (static proxy) for EJJBWS2, get port and invoke operation, i am getting
unauthorized error. Identity is not getting propagated from Webservice1 to web service 2
does identity propagation concept not exist in webservice invocations? or am i making any
mistake here?
Appreciate your help.
I have included the code in the note:
Thanks in advance
My code for invoking webservice is as follows:
1) Invoking EJBWS 2:
static TestBean1WSClient service3;
public void insert(Agent object) {
TestBean1Local tblocal = service3.getEndpointPort();
Created a WebService client using @WebServiceClient annotation:
@WebServiceClient(name = "TestBean1Service", targetNamespace =
"http://service.ri.com/", wsdlLocation =
public class TestBean1WSClient extends Service
private final static URL WSDL_LOCATION;
private final static QName TESTENDPOINTSERVICE = new
QName("http://service.ri.com/", "TestBean1Service");
private final static QName TESTENDPOINTPORT = new
QName("http://service.ri.com/", "TestBean1BeanPort");
static {
System.out.println("TestBean1WSClient static block");
URL url = null;
try {
URL baseUrl =
System.out.println(" baseURL "+baseUrl);
url = new URL("");
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
public TestBean1WSClient(URL wsdlLocation, QName serviceName) {
super(wsdlLocation, serviceName);
public TestBean1WSClient() {
@WebEndpoint(name = "TestBean1BeanPort")
public TestBean1Local getEndpointPort() {
return (TestBean1Local)super.getPort(TESTENDPOINTPORT, TestBean1Local.class);
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