The relevant build.xml fragment is
| <path id="class.path">
| <fileset dir=".">
| <include name="jbossws-client.jar"/>
| <include name="getopt.jar"/>
| <include name="jbossws-wsconsume-impl.jar"/>
| <include name="jaxb-xjc.jar"/>
| <include name="jaxb-impl.jar"/>
| </fileset>
| </path>
| <target name="wsgenerate" description="">
| <taskdef
| name="wsconsume"
| classname=""
| classpathref="class.path"
| />
| <wsconsume
| fork="true"
| verbose="true"
| destdir="bin"
| sourcedestdir="src"
| keep="true"
| wsdllocation="META-INF/wsdl/MyService.wsdl"
| wsdl="MyService.wsdl"
| package="">
| <binding dir="." includes="bindings.xml"/>
| </wsconsume>
| </target>
When I add tools.jar to the classpath, this works OK. But why can't it find tools.jar
anyway as its being executed by the jvm anyway?
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