First of all, sorry for the late reply; btw this thread could have also be in the
JBossWS-Metro forum. Anyway, I'm looking at this topic and the related issue
- the jbossws-client.jar is correctly removed by the jbossws-metro installation script
because that's the native stack client artifact. You should get a
jbossws-metro-client.jar artifact both in client and server/default/deploy/jbossws.sar
(assuming you're using jbossws-metro 3.0.3 and the default server configuration).
Restoring the jbossws-client.jar to any position in the server cannot be a solution, as
you mix different implementations of the same things
- the javax.xml.soap.MetaFactory implementation to be used with Metro stack is
com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.SAAJMetaFactoryImpl . So the problem here is with the
server trying to look for which of course is
not available when the Metro stack is installed. You should not have the jboss-saaj.jar
lib in you classpath as that pulls in the native soap MetaFactory through the
META-INF/services provide system.
- the jboss-saaj.jar is correctly removed from the jboss server/default/lib by the
JBossWS-Metro installation. The right SAAJ library for this stack is installed instead
(saaj-impl.jar) under server/default/deploy/jbossws.sar/
This said, if you didn't do this way before, I suggest starting from a vanilla
jboss-4.2 distribution and then run the installation script. I'd also suggest using
the default configuration or checking the jbossws-deploy.conf file in the configuration
you want to use before running the installation script because of this issue .
If you still have the issue, could you please attach a small testcase to JBWS-2335 so that
we can reproduce the problem? I suspect this can be related to JBWS-2377 as our Hudson
instance daily runs the jbossws-framework testsuite against JBoss 4.2.3.GA after having
installed the binary distribution (the one you get from the download page once the release
is out) on its default configuration.
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