i have this endpoint, which reflects a Session bean implementation
| package bps.ejb;
| import javax.jws.WebService;
| @WebService(targetNamespace = "http://bps.ejb",
| name = "BpsFrontendEndpointInterface")
| public interface BpsFrontendEndpointInterface {
| public String hello();
| public String hello2(String foo, String bar, String pippo);
| public void insertProcess(int queue, int prio, String data, int ptype,
| String callbackMode,String callback,String callbackParm, String returnAddress);
| public void reactivateProcess(int pid);
| public void holdProcess(int pid);
| public void deleteProcess(int pid);
| public String testEntity();
| }
where's the weird part? well, if i change both in the endpoind and in the slsb the
method "hello2()" to return a String[], when i invoke it with a configured DII
client (copied straight off the examples), i get a "org.jboss.ws.WSException: Cannot
obtain java type mapping for: {http://jaxb.dev.java.net/array}stringArray". Ok.
BUT it happens too even for method String hello(), which by the way worked before (eg.
when hello2 was String instead of String[]) and same for insertProcess() and others.
So actually adding a String[] method to this endpoind (and to the implementation) cause
DII to fail for every other methods.
Can someone explain me this point?
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