Hi All,
on using username profile with the POJO endpoint i realized that the saop header in the
POJO was empty (no child elements).
I could confirm this on debugging the SOAPMessage in the POJO.
I need the username within the POJO for further authorization checks.
The simple HelloWorld WebService as well as authentication and authorisation (JAAS) are
working fine, but as i said, no child elements in the soap header.
I used:
JBoss 4.2.3.GA
JBoss 5.1.0.GA
No success!
The sent mesage from the client using soapui is:
| <env:Envelope
| <env:Header>
| <wsse:Security env:mustUnderstand='1'
| <wsse:UsernameToken wsu:Id='token-1-1248789148312-14111765'>
| <wsse:Username>kermit</wsse:Username>
| <wsse:Password
| </wsse:UsernameToken>
| </wsse:Security>
| </env:Header>
| <env:Body>
| <ns1:sayHello xmlns:ns1='org.jbia.ws'>
| <arg0>World</arg0>
| </ns1:sayHello>
| </env:Body>
| </env:Envelope>
This is the same message that has been traced in the server log. So, the message ist ok.
Furthermore authorisation and authentication are working.
I tried to get the header child elements in the following ways:
| SOAPMessageContext soapMessageContext =
| SOAPMessage message = soapMessageContext.getMessage();
| try {
| Iterator it = message.getSOAPHeader().getChildElements();
| while(it.hasNext()){
| System.out.println("The child: " + it.next().toString());
| }
| } catch (SOAPException e) {
| // TODO Auto-generated catch block
| e.printStackTrace();
| }
| CommonMessageContext msgContext = MessageContextAssociation.peekMessageContext();
| try {
| SOAPHeader header = msgContext.getSOAPMessage().getSOAPHeader();
| Iterator it = header.getChildElements();
| while(it.hasNext()){
| System.out.println("The child: " + it.next().toString());
| }
| } catch (SOAPException e) {
| // TODO Auto-generated catch block
| e.printStackTrace();
| }
| SOAPEnvelope envelope;
| try {
| envelope = soapMessageContext.getMessage().getSOAPPart().getEnvelope();
| SOAPHeader soapHeader = envelope.getHeader();
| Iterator it = soapHeader.getChildElements();
| while(it.hasNext()){
| Object o = it.next();
| System.out.println("The Child: " + o.toString());
| }
| } catch (SOAPException e) {
| // TODO Auto-generated catch block
| e.printStackTrace();
| }
I even tried to get the principal:
| Principal principal = wsCtx.getUserPrincipal();
| if (principal==null){
| System.out.println("There is no principal name");
| } else {
| System.out.println("The principal name is " + principal.getName());
| }
But no success!
Am i missing something? is there another way to handel this issue? is there any
workarround for this? wrong version of jboss and jbossws-native?
I apreciate very gratefully any suggestion.
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