I'm deploying a web service on JBoss 4.2. I am a consumer of a vendor's web
service. I submit my request and receive a response indicating a successful submission.
Some time later, possibly hours, the vendor sends me a status thus I become the provider.
The vendor is sending me the following request. Notice that the namespace is defined in
the tag: <Callback xmlns=SomeCallback>
| <soap:Body>
| <Callback xmlns="SomeCallback">
| <ID>0</ID>
| <ItemID>1362</ItemID>
| <Auth>leopard</Auth>
| <Status>-900</Status>
| <StatusTime>2009-12-08T11:13:52</StatusTime>
| </Callback>
| </soap:Body>
| </soap:Envelope>
My test request (below) defines the namespace before the tag is used:
| <soapenv:Header/>
| <soapenv:Body>
| <pos:Callback>
| <ID>1</ID>
| <ItemID>2</ItemID>
| <Auth>smitty</Auth>
| <Status>-1000</Status>
| <StatusTime>2009-12-08T11:59:59</StatusTime>
| </pos:Callback>
| </soapenv:Body>
| </soapenv:Envelope>
Here's my code. My web service does receive the request from the vendor, but all the
objects are null and int is 0. Namespace is the key. What do I have to change in my code
below so that my request matches the vendor's request?
@WebService(targetNamespace = "SomeCallback")
| @SOAPBinding(parameterStyle = ParameterStyle.WRAPPED)
| public class SomeCallback {
| @WebMethod(operationName = "Callback")
| public @WebResult(name = "CallbackResult", targetNamespace =
| int callback(@WebParam(name = "ID") int id,
| @WebParam(name = "ItemID") int itemId,
| @WebParam(name = "Auth") String auth,
| @WebParam(name = "Status") int status,
| @WebParam(name = "StatusTime") Date statusTime) {
| }
| }
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