I exposed a stateless EJB3.0 as a web service as per JAX-WS specification.
I deployed the web service on JBOSS 4.2.2 Application server which created the
corresponding WSDL file successfully .I can see the produced WSDL file for the deployed
Web service.
I tried to consume the deployed web service from a java client using following steps :-
String url="http://dlhlx09.dlh.st.com:20120/mywebservice/Greeting?wsdl";
URL wsdlLocation=new URL(url);
QName serviceName = new QName("http://ccc/", "GreetingService");
Service service = Service.create(wsdlLocation, serviceName);
But I am getting the static create method of Service class returning null instance of
Service object.
I do not understand why the create method returning null instance of Service object.
Should I need to install some patch JAX-WS implementation of JBOSS?
Can any one help me out waht is the problem why I am getting null value for instance of
Service object.
best regards,
Ajay Kumar,
ST Microelectronics Ltd.
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