I have a webapp, deployed as a war, which exposed a Web Service implementing jaxws
standard. A requirement for my webapp is deploy on multiple AS (Tomcat, JBoss and WAS).
In my war i have jax-ws ri distribution (into WEB-INF/lib).
web.xml contains the jaxws listener:
When i deploy my webapp on JBOSS (v.4.2.3.GA) i have the following error:
2009-05-12 15:15:38,608 ERROR [STDERR] 12-mag-2009 15.15.38
com.sun.xml.ws.transport.http.servlet.WSServletContextListener contextInitialized
INFO: WSSERVLET12: JAX-WS context listener initializing
2009-05-12 15:15:44,311 ERROR [STDERR] 12-mag-2009 15.15.44
INFO: WSSERVLET14: JAX-WS servlet initializing
If I remove the Ws Listener from web.xml the errror disappears, but the war does not
deploy on Tomcat
Any suggestion?
Thanks in advance
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