I'm trying to use web services and it's working but when I try to use hibernate in
server side i get no entity found exception..here is my server side bean
| @Stateless
| @Local( {
| LoginService.class
| })
| @Remote( {
| LoginService.class
| })
| //@SecurityDomain("JBossWS")
| //@RolesAllowed ({"admin", "guest"})
| //@RunAs("admin")
| /*
| * JBossWS Annotations
| */
| @WebService(name = "LoginService",
| serviceName = "LoginService",
| endpointInterface = "some.webservices.LoginServiceSEI"
| )
| public class LoginServiceBean implements LoginService
| {
| private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(LoginServiceBean.class);
| @PersistenceContext
| EntityManager em;
| public boolean checkUser(String userid,String passid)
| {
| log.info("checking
| try{
| User users=(User)em.createQuery("from User where username=:username and
| .setParameter("username",userid)
| .setParameter("password",passid)
| .getSingleResult();
| log.info("hi there");
| }catch(Exception e) { log.info(e.toString()); return false; }
| return true;
| //else return true;
| }
| }
and here is the exception
| 20:36:15,788 INFO [LoginServiceBean] javax.persistence.NoResultException: No entity
found for query
any help ?
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