I try to override my @WebServiceRef wsdl location using jboss.xml and wsdl-location. This
works fine with portal 2.6.4 which is deployed on JBossAS 4.2.1GA but override is not
being done with bundled portal 2.6.6 (JBossAS 4.2.3GA).
One of my EJBs:
| private transient VacationRequestService vacationRequestService;
| @WebServiceRef(com.fooz.baz.webservice.employee.EmployeeService_Service.class)
| private transient EmployeeService employeeService;
jboss.xml excerpt:
| <ejb-name>ApplicationListingAction</ejb-name>
| <service-ref>
| </service-ref>
| <service-ref>
| </service-ref>
| </session>
| </enterprise-beans>
| </jboss>
When this is deployed on JBoss4.2.1GA I see what name the servicerefs get, and am able to
use the same name in jboss.xml service-ref-name:
| 14:14:13,722 INFO [EJBContainer] STARTED EJB:
com.fooz.baz.portlet.freetextsearch.SearchAction ejbName: SearchAction
| 14:14:13,725 INFO [JmxKernelAbstraction] creating wrapper delegate for:
| 14:14:13,726 INFO [JmxKernelAbstraction] installing MBean:
with dependen
| cies:
| 14:14:13,739 INFO [ServiceRefHandlerJAXWS] setupServiceRef
| get=com.fooz.baz.webservice.vacationrequestprocess.VacationRequestProcess]
| 14:14:13,742 INFO [ServiceRefHandlerJAXWS] setupServiceRef
| .fooz.baz.webservice.employee.EmployeeService]
| 14:14:13,743 INFO [ServiceRefHandlerJAXWS] setupServiceRef
But none of that is displayed when I deploy on JBoss 4.2.3 GA. When I ttry to use the EJB
I see that the override ("remoteserver") is not working and instead the original
wsdl ("localhost") location is used:
| 14:25:38,497 INFO [STDOUT] DEBUG ApplicationListingAction.create(108) | Creating
| 14:25:38,642 WARN [ServiceDelegateImpl] Cannot access wsdlURL:
| 14:25:38,644 WARN [ServiceDelegateImpl] Cannot get port meta data for:
| 14:25:38,749 WARN [ServiceDelegateImpl] Cannot access wsdlURL:
| 14:25:38,751 WARN [ServiceDelegateImpl] Cannot get port meta data for:
| 14:25:38,917 INFO [STDOUT] DEBUG ApplicationListingAction.create(108) | Creating
| 14:25:39,001 ERROR [STDERR] 29.9.2008 14:25:38 com.sun.facelets.FaceletViewHandler
| SEVERE: Error Rendering View[/pages/apply/applicationList.xhtml]
| javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRolledbackException: org.jboss.ws.WSException: Target endpoint
address not set
| at org.jboss.ejb3.tx.Ejb3TxPolicy.handleInCallerTx(Ejb3TxPolicy.java:87)
| at org.jboss.aspects.tx.TxPolicy.invokeInCallerTx(TxPolicy.java:130)
| at org.jboss.aspects.tx.TxInterceptor$Required.invoke(TxInterceptor.java:195)
Also I think I should be able to see the webservice-ref in the JNDI using JMXConsole ->
JNDIView, but neither server displays the webservice-refs there, why? How could I see
which JNDI name the webservice-refs are bound to?
I have also tried adding "name" and "mappedName" attributes to the
WebServiceRef annotation and using the same value as service-ref-name, without success.
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