Okiee its not in src code native bundle 92.0.1) some how but, looked at repository.
My next question is whet is the diffrence between
option "sourcedestdir"
and option "destdir"
because when i make both of them point to same place
it generates stubs, with same structure at two diferent places
and and it looks they are linked because if you delete one structure other goes as well.
How do i make it that, both are same at same place without duplication
| <target name="gen_stubs">
| <taskdef name="wsconsume"
| <classpath>
| <path refid="web.services.classpath" />
| </classpath>
| </taskdef>
| <wsconsume
| fork="true"
| verbose="true"
| sourcedestdir="${basedir}"
| destdir="{$basedir}"
| package="au.com.hello.integrate.anttask.stubs"
| keep="true"
| wsdl="GetMemberTest.wsdl"/>
| </target>
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