Re: [rules-users] Using multiple spreadsheet files in drools
by djb
I'm a few months late here, but it may be because you didn't give each
rulesheet its own name when you split them up.
dtrinh4000 wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to split my current huge decision table in one excel
> spreadsheet into multiple excel files. However, I am unable to run my
> ruleflow correctly when they are split up.
> Although they compile okay when seperated, the only spreadsheet that ever
> gets read is the last one that gets compiled with the drools spreadsheet
> compiler, even though they all get added into the package builder after
> compiling them into a drl.
> I've tried to search everywhere for the solution but i'm coming up empty.
> maybe i am not searching w/ the right parameters. How do I split a
> decision table into multiple excel spreadsheets or even workbooks and get
> them to run as if they were all in one single excel file?
> Would a better way of phrasing my question be, how do i combine multiple
> spreadsheets into one drl file?
> Thanks.
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15 years
Infinite loop when nesting rules
by orchid
I have another question regarding rules nesting. I have the following Rule1
and Rule2 which check some property of Cheese type (I dont want to merge
them into one rule). The "then" part of these rules updates the list field
of class Cheese which holds the rules that were fired for a specific
instance. In Rule3 I want to check if Rule1 and Rule2 were fired:
rule "Rule1"
salience 100
no-loop true
modify ($c){addRule("Rule1")}
rule "Rule2"
salience 90
no-loop true
$c:Chesse(price < 100)
modify ($c){addRule("Rule2")}
rule "Rule3"
$c:Cheese(rules contains "Rule1" && rules contains "Rule2")
System.out.println("Rule3 was fired");
Rule1 and Rule2 cause infinite loop because of the 'modify' method. How can
I solve that issue?
Thank you very much in advance !!!
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15 years
AUTO: Monikandan, Jagathesh is out of the office. (returning 01/15/2010)
by Jagathesh Monikandan
I am out of the office until 01/15/2010.
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15 years
Drools Doubt regarding ChangeSet.xml file use
by Pardeep Ruhil
I have a doubt regarding Drools changeSet.xml file.
As in ChangeSet.xml file we define or give the URL/PCK/file Path to read our Rule file or workflow file.
Now Lets suppose I have an application deployed and is runnning using Drools Workflow.
Now I change the workflow file(.rf) file.
So my doubt is:
1. Do I need to redeploy/restart the application as to incorporate the changed workflow ?
2. Will the KnowledgeBase automatically get notified of the change of the workflow ?
3. Will the StatefullKnowledge session object will get notified about the changed workflow or do I need to create
new StatefullKnowledge session ?
I read the documentation , In that I got to know about KnowledgeAgent class, which automatically checks for any change in the workflow/ rule file. i.e. 60 sec(default).
Will this class will fulfill my doubts ?
Thanks & Regards
Pradeep Ruhil
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15 years
Upgrade to Drools 5 - loss of performance
by Scott Reed
I just upgraded our app from Drools 4 to 5 libraries. We just use the
rules engine with DRL. The performance of the engine on our rulebase is
unacceptably slow. I assume there is something we need to do to our
rules or the way we are configuring the engine to fix this. I don't see
anything in the release notes about backwards compatibility issues. I
would very much appreciate it if someone would direct me to any
documentation that explains what needs to be done so our 4.0 rules
perform at least as well as they did before the upgrade?
15 years
fusion aggregate functions
by Ahmed Hafsi
Hi guys,
I have found in the documentation examples in sliding windows part, the
average aggregate , I need other aggregates like max. min , standard
deviation ... is there any of those already buitin ? I have searching the
docus. , but havn't found much dealing with the built in aggregate
Also if I want to implement one of them using normal rules , Is it true that
it will not be as sufficient ?
15 years