Drools planner & Scala
by Adam Warski
I'm using Planner in a Scala program and it almost works without problems; the only one is in implementing the Solution interface, as it uses raw (erased) version of Score, which is normally generic (Score<S extends Score>). Scala generally doesn't like raw types and in most cases it's impossible to extend/implement interfaces which use them. A work-around is to introduce an "adapter" in Java, which you can later extend in Scala:
public abstract class ScalaSolution implements Solution {
public Score getScore() { return getScoreScala(); }
public abstract Score<?> getScoreScala();
public void setScore(Score score) { setScoreScala(score); }
public abstract void setScoreScala(Score<?> score);
and then in Scala:
class Schedule(...) extends ScalaSolution {
var score: Score[_] = _
def setScoreScala(score: Score[_]) = { this.score = score }
def getScoreScala = score
So the fix is to replace the raw Score type with Score<?>. Maybe it would be possible to apply that in the code? I tried it locally and it compiles without problems.
And a side question: do you have any plans on implementing multithreading in planner? So that several moves could be explored concurrently? I saw there's an open Jira issue for some time, but it didn't have any timeframe information.
Adam Warski
13 years, 11 months
How to specify relative URL in chagenset.xml file
by Pardeep Ruhil
I am getting File Not Found Exception when I try to give relative path of the file.
<resource source='file:../HelloWorld.drl' type='DRL' />
But when I give the complete path, It picks the changeset.xml file.
<resource source='file:C:/Tomcat/webapps/DroolsCheck/HelloWorld.drl' type='DRL' />
Please tell me the syntax for using the relative path for my workflow or rule files.
Thanks & Regards
Pradeep Ruhil
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13 years, 11 months
taskService restart problem (urgent response needed)
by KiranP
i m having 2-3 tasks in my flow the flow works fine in the normal conditions
the tasks are handled by the MinaTaskServer and MinaTaskClient but the
problem is that it uses the command and the call back mechanism using the
map of tasks request (if i m not wrong) hence when the taskservice restarts
all the callback refrence is lost and completing any task wont updated to
the MinaTaskServer (even if the task is available)
can any one hint me who i can achieve trans-restart task completion.....
till today none of my posts got a reply..............i think u r all
busy............if some one gets time plz help....
bcoz now it has become a grave matter.........it urgent...
Keep Working >>:working:
View this message in context: http://n3.nabble.com/taskService-restart-problem-urgent-response-needed-t...
Sent from the Drools - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
13 years, 11 months
Trying to get Eclipse Java code to call Guvnor
by John Peterson
I'm using the example code from the Red Hat Magazine -
part-1/ - to try to get the sample code to work, but I keep getting the
following error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at java.util.Properties$LineReader.readLine(Unknown Source)
at java.util.Properties.load0(Unknown Source)
at java.util.Properties.load(Unknown Source)
at org.drools.agent.RuleAgent.newRuleAgent(RuleAgent.java:256)
at test.GuvnorTest.main(GuvnorTest.java:15)
It appears to be unable to find my 'Guvnor.properties' file, but I have
it in the classpath (I actually have it in several different places on
my C: drive as I tried to figure out why it couldn't find it). Does
anyone have any thoughts on what's wrong here?
I'd appreciate any guidance. It seems like this should be a simple
answer but I haven't been able to figure it out.
14 years
About for and inheritance
by Chris Woodrow
I recently find out a few issues using for, and I wanted to share it with
you. I made a simple exemple to illustrate my purpose.
My classes are (I did not represent accessors & constructors):
public class Cheese {
protected String name;
public class FrenchCheese extends Cheese{
private String smell;
public class Person {
private Cheese likes;
Here is my rule set :
package rules
rule "likes cheese"
$person : Person ()
Cheese( ) from $person.getLikes()
System.out.println("likes cheese");
rule "likes french cheese"
$person : Person ()
FrenchCheese( ) from $person.getLikes()
System.out.println("likes french cheese");
First test :
Cheese cheese = new FrenchCheese("good", "camembert");
Person person = new Person();
Output :
likes french cheese
likes cheese
Wich is expected...
Second test :
Cheese cheese = new Cheese();
Person person = new Person();
Output :
likes french cheese
likes cheese
That's the first strange thing. As far as I am concerned, rule "likes french
cheese" should not match (since a Cheese is not a FrenchCheese).
I made a change to the second rule :
rule "likes french cheese"
$person : Person ()
FrenchCheese( smell == "good" ) from $person.getLikes()
System.out.println("likes french cheese");
Third test :
Cheese cheese = new Cheese();
Person person = new Person();
output :
It throwed an exception : Exception in thread "main"
java.lang.ClassCastException: rules.Cheese
I am not saying the ClassCastException is not to expect in such a case but I
think I would simply expect it not to match (as far as a Cheese is not a
14 years, 1 month
Upload an existing .drl for the Guvnor dynamically
by Vandewilly
Is there any api available that allows me to load an existing file drl for
the Guvnor repository. In my case, I can not upload through the web
interface, only in a dynamic way through a java class.
Vandewilly Oliveira
14 years, 1 month
Drools 4.0, Support for multiple pattern in accumulate source pattern
by Juergen
It appears as if accumulate does support only a single pattern CE as
source pattern, e.g.:
Number() from accumulate(
price : price
sum( price )
Is it possible to have more than one pattern in the source pattern, e.g.:
Number() from accumulate(
price : price,
type : type
favouriteCheese == type,
age > 30
sum( price )
The same could be said for collect, but there the problem to specify
which item of a matching tuple is to be collected, but this could be
handled recreating collect via accumulate, e.g.:
Collection() from accumulate(
cheese : Cheese(
type : type
favouriteCheese == type,
age > 30
collect( cheese )
14 years, 1 month
BuildError: Unable to resolve ObjectType
by BS
Hi all,
I'm quite new to Drools and have a problem with the guided editor of the
Eclipse plugin. I'm using Drools 5.0.1.
These are the two BuildErrors for "TestGuided.brl" in Eclipse:
1) BuildError: Unable to build expression for 'consequence': Failed to
compile: 1 compilation error(s): - (1,1) unqualified type in strict mode
for: p ' update( p );
2) BuildError: Unable to resolve ObjectType 'Produkt'
In "drools.package" I have all necessary imports and also the package
statement. This is the BRL source of "TestGuided.brl":
When I use the generated DRL output of the guided editor in a DRL file, I do
not get any error message. The DRL file looks like this and compiles
perfectly in Eclipse:
package com.test
rule "TestGuided"
dialect "mvel"
p : Produkt( )
update( p );
Adding the BRL from above to Guvnor does not throw any error. The BRL
validates and compiles perfectly in Guvnor.
So, why is it only in the guided editor of Eclipse not working but in the
guided editor of Guvnor as well as DRL file? Maybe something in my
configuration is errorneous?
Any help is appreciated, many thanks
View this message in context: http://n3.nabble.com/BuildError-Unable-to-resolve-ObjectType-tp702633p702...
Sent from the Drools - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
14 years, 3 months
Blurring the lines of jBPM and Drools
by keithnielsen
I have been researching both jBPM and Drools for sometime now and am
wondering what the future holds for jBPM. This is based on my research of
Drools 5, which is bringing what I would consider more BPM constructs into
the core engine, things such as Wait States, Human Tasks, etc. One of the
main things I don't see yet is the whole persistence and support of long
running processes. My question is will the trend with Drools continue,
eventually consuming jBPM?
I must say that my perception is that Drools is more active which makes me
wonder if I should go with Drools hoping that it builds out more BPM
features going forward.
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Blurring-the-lines-of-jBPM-and-Drools-tp20099731p20...
Sent from the drools - user mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
14 years, 3 months