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12 years, 10 months
Guvnor data enumeration issue
I am trying to use data enumerations and running into a problem. Following
the Vehicle engineType/fuelType data enumeration example in the Guvnor
manual, I created the following enumeration list and it works:
'Vehicle.engineType' : (new test.VehicleHelper()).getEngineTypes()
'Vehicle.fuelType[engineType]' : '(new
public class VehicleHelper {
public List<String> getEngineTypes(){
List<String> engineTypes = new ArrayList<String>();
return engineTypes;
public List<String> getFuelTypes(String engineType){
List<String> fuelTypes = new ArrayList<String>();
else if("Diesel".equalsIgnoreCase(engineType)){
fuelTypes.add("Default Fuel 1");
fuelTypes.add("Default Fuel 2");
return fuelTypes;
Above works as expected.
I want to only have an enumeration on Vehicle.fuelType that depends on the
value of engineType, without specifying an enumeration on engineType. So,
I took out the first line in my enumeration list so that it is now:
'Vehicle.fuelType[engineType]' : '(new
But that does not work. When I create a rule, VehicleHelper.getFuelTypes
does not get called and the dropdown for fuelType is not a list.
How do I get this working?
G. Patel
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12 years, 10 months
Re: [rules-users] Drools Planner: entity was never added to this ScoreDirector?
by Cedric Hurst
yeah, i have a solutionEquals() and solutionHashCode() as well. I tried dumping my hashCode() and equals() methods on the PlanningEntity but that didn't seem to have much effect. My hashCode() and solutionHashCode() values now both change when I assign a different supplier, but planner still can't seem to find the entity in working memory.
Build Smarter Software.
Spantree Technology Group, LLC
813 W Randolph St, Suite 301
email: cedric(a) ( | phone: 773.359.3865 (tel:773.359.3865) (
On Friday, May 4, 2012 at 8:51 PM, Christopher Dolan [via Drools] wrote:
> Try just commenting out your .equals() and .hashCode() methods. My experience was that Planner is unexpectedly sensitive to hashcode algorithms, and identity equality just worked best. I ended up implementing a solutionEquals like some of the example code.
> Chris
> From: [hidden email] (/user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=3963850&i=0) [[hidden email] (/user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=3963850&i=1)] on behalf of Cedric Hurst [[hidden email] (/user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=3963850&i=2)]
> Sent: Friday, May 04, 2012 5:09 PM
> To: [hidden email] (/user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=3963850&i=3)
> Subject: [rules-users] Drools Planner: entity was never added to this ScoreDirector?
> Hi all,
> I'm working on a Drools Planner 5.4.0.CR1 implementation for a scheduling app.
> First, some background:
> The solution class is 'Schedule' and the PlanningEntity is 'Meeting'. Meetings consist of timeslots (or 'slots'), and two participants in complimentary roles 'planners' and 'suppliers'. Since there are more planners than suppliers, I've structured the Schedule model so that its meeting collection is basically the cross-product of slots and planners. Suppliers are configured as the @PlanningVariable in a meeting. The meeting list in the schedule is also annotated as a @PlanningEntityCollectionProperty. I've structured three MoveFactories that add, subtract or swap suppliers from meeting to meeting.
> That part works fairly well, however, when I try to try to run my solution through a Solver, I am inevitably plagued with a dreaded message like this:
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The entity (Meeting[slot: 26, planner: 29C2E0FF-00EE-409F-B05B-B175B30A6B45, supplier: BB25B297-54FA-45BD-923A-C209848E74B4, hashCode: 1219749520, solutionHashCode: -1086095971, slotHashCode: 436282962, plannerHashCode: -2037841459]) was never added to this ScoreDirector. at org.drools.planner.core.score.director.drools.DroolsScoreDirector.afterAllVariablesChanged( at org.drools.planner.core.score.director.drools.DroolsScoreDirector.afterVariableChanged( at com.somecompany.scheduler.moves.AddSupplierToMeetingMove.doMove(AddSupplierToMeetingMove.groovy:36) at org.drools.planner.core.localsearch.decider.DefaultDecider.doMove( at org.drools.planner.core.localsearch.decider.DefaultDecider.decideNextStep( at org.drools.planner.core.localsearch.DefaultLocalSearchSolverPhase.solve( at org.drools.planner.core.sol
ver.DefaultSolver.runSolverPhases( at org.drools.planner.core.solver.DefaultSolver.solve( at org.spockframework.util.GroovyRuntimeUtil.invokeMethod( at com.somecompany.scheduler.solver.SolverSpec.should solve schedule(SolverSpec.groovy:59)
> It seems to happen randomly, with different entities each time, but I've not yet had a successful run of a full solve cycle without hitting it a least once. Unfortunately, it kills my whole process.
> I've step debugged through the planner internals and verified that all the meetings are getting added to the working memory, including the offending one:
> 2012-05-04 16:30:17,379 INFO com.somecompany.scheduler.solver.SolverSpec - Meeting[slot: 26, planner: 29C2E0FF-00EE-409F-B05B-B175B30A6B45, supplier: FEA76C13-C9E2-42EC-977C-BCBB0BD1FFA0, hashCode: 1219749520, solutionHashCode: -574491332, slotHashCode: 436282962, plannerHashCode: -2037841459]
> I was pretty certain my issue has to do with the meeting's hashCode value, but as you'll see they're exactly the same in working memory as they are when . I'm using commons HashCodeBuilder and EqualsBuilder to check only the fixed slot and planner values. The solutionHashCode changes based on the slot, planner and supplier-- supplier being the @PlanningVariable. I've pasted the full log, with trace enabled, here for review:
> The error is listed at 2012-05-04 16:30:37,168.
> The original meeting in working memory is listed at 2012-05-04 16:30:17,379 (toward the middle of entries with that timestamp).
> I couldn't find an easy way to add a knowledge session logger in planner, but that might also be useful.
> View this message in context: Drools Planner: entity was never added to this ScoreDirector? (
> Sent from the Drools: User forum mailing list archive ( at (
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12 years, 10 months
DSL statements not showing up...
by TonyN
I am not seeing DSL statements when using any of the followings in the
guided editor:
1) 'Any of the following are true..'
2) 'The following does not exist..'
3) 'The following exists..'
Steps: a) select any choice above
b) Select 'Click to add patterns...'
c) select Choose fact Type drop down.
d) Expected to see DSL statements in the drop down but do not.
I am using Guvnor 5.2.0 Final.
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12 years, 10 months
Reusing a Solution in Drools Planner
by pkaf
Hi there,
I am trying to use Drools Planner for a problem where I permanently have to
recalculate a solution
in reaction to external events which change the fact model.
A first trial run shows that Drools Planner needs to much time to find a
solution, even when using
FIRST_FIT algorithm.
My question is this: Can I reuse a solution which I found in a previous run
of drools planner supposing
the only difference is a small change in the fact model data? The goal here
is of course to speed up the
search for next solution.
I have read the chapter 12 about repeated planning, but gained not much
insight how to do it actually.
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12 years, 10 months
Drools Planner: entity was never added to this ScoreDirector?
by Cedric Hurst
Hi all,
I'm working on a Drools Planner 5.4.0.CR1 implementation for a scheduling
First, some background:
The solution class is 'Schedule' and the PlanningEntity is 'Meeting'.
Meetings consist of timeslots (or 'slots'), and two participants in
complimentary roles 'planners' and 'suppliers'. Since there are more
planners than suppliers, I've structured the Schedule model so that its
meeting collection is basically the cross-product of slots and planners.
Suppliers are configured as the @PlanningVariable in a meeting. The meeting
list in the schedule is also annotated as a
@PlanningEntityCollectionProperty. I've structured three MoveFactories that
add, subtract or swap suppliers from meeting to meeting.
That part works fairly well, however, when I try to try to run my solution
through a Solver, I am inevitably plagued with a dreaded message like this:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The entity (Meeting[slot: 26, planner:
29C2E0FF-00EE-409F-B05B-B175B30A6B45, supplier:
hashCode: 1219749520, solutionHashCode: -1086095971, slotHashCode:
436282962, plannerHashCode: -2037841459]) was never added to this
at com.somecompany.scheduler.solver.SolverSpec.should solve
It seems to happen randomly, with different entities each time, but I've not
yet had a successful run of a full solve cycle without hitting it a least
once. Unfortunately, it kills my whole process.
I've step debugged through the planner internals and verified that all the
meetings are getting added to the working memory, including the offending
2012-05-04 16:30:17,379 INFO com.somecompany.scheduler.solver.SolverSpec
- Meeting[slot: 26, planner: 29C2E0FF-00EE-409F-B05B-B175B30A6B45, supplier:
FEA76C13-C9E2-42EC-977C-BCBB0BD1FFA0, hashCode: 1219749520,
solutionHashCode: -574491332, slotHashCode: 436282962, plannerHashCode:
I was pretty certain my issue has to do with the meeting's hashCode value,
but as you'll see they're exactly the same in working memory as they are
when . I'm using commons HashCodeBuilder and EqualsBuilder to check only
the fixed slot and planner values. The solutionHashCode changes based on
the slot, planner and supplier-- supplier being the @PlanningVariable. I've
pasted the full log, with trace enabled, here for review:
The error is listed at 2012-05-04 16:30:37,168.
The original meeting in working memory is listed at 2012-05-04 16:30:17,379
(toward the middle of entries with that timestamp).
I couldn't find an easy way to add a knowledge session logger in planner,
but that might also be useful.
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12 years, 10 months
Performance issues with a rule that includes LHS functions
by Mike Goldner
I have a rule that is suffering severe performance degradation as I insert
facts into the (stateful) session. In my simplified example, the first
100 fact insertions take less than 10ms per fact. By the 1000th fact,
insertions are taking about 850ms per fact. In production, the impact is
much more severe, reaching 5000ms or more by the 1000th insertion. The
number of facts per execution can vary from a few hundred to a few
I've created a simplified example that demonstrates the problem: Imagine
that there is a line plotted through a 3-dimensional plane and it is
necessary to ensure that each plotted coordinate is an equal distance from
the adjacent coordinates. I realize that the math isn't correct, but it
is sufficient for the example.
The constraint (and source of performance degradation) imposed by my data
source is that the plane (X, Y, or Z) is variable and it is defined by an
separate index that serves as a pointer into the coordinate list. If I
remove the function calls, the problem disappears.
Any suggestions on how I could rewrite the rule?
Here is my rule:
package test;
declare Data
plane : int
coordinates : java.util.List
rule "Performance degradation with functions."
dialect "mvel"
$current : Data( $currentPosition : getPosByAxis(plane, coordinates) )
$before : Data( $beforePosition : getPosByAxis(plane, coordinates) <
not Data( getPosByAxis(plane, coordinates) > $beforePosition && <
$after : Data($afterPosition : getPosByAxis(plane, coordinates) >
not Data(getPosByAxis(plane, coordinates) < $afterPosition && >
eval ( ($currentPosition - $beforePosition) == ($afterPosition -
$currentPosition) )
System.out.println("Rule RHS fired.");
function Double getPosByAxis(int plane, java.util.List coordinates) {
return (Double) coordinates.get(plane);
Mike Goldner
12 years, 10 months
Accessing properties of an object within a Nested Collection of a Nested Collection
by aa034373
I am having a hard time trying to figure this out, maybe it is obvious and I
have overlooked it.... I am trying to evaluate properties of a object
contained within a nested collection of a nested collection on the LHS.
Here is an example of the object model I am working with.
*AutoManufacturer* is the parent class, with *Brand* residing in a
collection on the object, with *Model* residing in a collection on *Brand*,
and finally, *Part* residing in a collection of *Model*. These classes were
created for illustration purposes for this question.....
My question more specifically would be, on the LHS, how would I write a rule
for instance that would find all *Part* objects with a Vendor of "PV999999".
Secondly, on the RHS, how could I iterate the resulting collection of Part
objects to print something like the partname for each of them.
Here are the class objects:
AutoManufacturer class
package com.nabble.demo.model;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Class that represents an automobile manufacturer
public class AutoManufacturer
private String manufacturerName;
private String manufacturerId;
private List<Brand> brandsCollection;
* Default constructor
public AutoManufacturer()
this.brandsCollection = new ArrayList<Brand>();
* @return the manufacturerName
public String getManufacturerName()
return this.manufacturerName;
* @param manufacturerName the manufacturerName to set
public void setManufacturerName( String manufacturerName )
this.manufacturerName = manufacturerName;
* @return the manufacturerId
public String getManufacturerId()
return this.manufacturerId;
* @param manufacturerId the manufacturerId to set
public void setManufacturerId( String manufacturerId )
this.manufacturerId = manufacturerId;
* @return the brandsCollection
public List<Brand> getBrandsCollection()
return this.brandsCollection;
* @param brand the Brand to add to the collection
public void addBrand( Brand brand )
Brand class
package com.nabble.demo.model;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class Brand
private String brandName;
private String brandId;
private List<Model> brandModels;
public Brand()
this.brandModels = new ArrayList<Model>();
* @return the brandName
public String getBrandName()
return brandName;
* @param brandName the brandName to set
public void setBrandName( String brandName )
this.brandName = brandName;
* @return the brandId
public String getBrandId()
return brandId;
* @param brandId the brandId to set
public void setBrandId( String brandId )
this.brandId = brandId;
* @return the brandModels
public List<Model> getBrandModels()
return brandModels;
* @param model the Model to add
public void addModel( Model model )
Model class
package com.nabble.demo.model;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Class that represents a particular model of an automaker's brand of car
public class Model
private String modelName;
private String modelId;
private List<Part> partsList;
public Model()
this.partsList = new ArrayList<Part>();
* @return the modelName
public String getModelName()
return this.modelName;
* @param modelName the modelName to set
public void setModelName( String modelName )
this.modelName = modelName;
* @return the modelId
public String getModelId()
return this.modelId;
* @param modelId the modelId to set
public void setModelId( String modelId )
this.modelId = modelId;
* @return the partsList
public List<Part> getPartsList()
return this.partsList;
* Method to add new part to collection
* @param part
public void addPart( Part part )
Part Class
package com.nabble.demo.model;
* Class that represents a part used on a Model of car
public class Part
private String partsId;
private String partsName;
private String partVendor;
* Default constructor
public Part()
* @return the partsId
public String getPartsId()
return this.partsId;
* @param partsId the partsId to set
public void setPartsId( String partsId )
this.partsId = partsId;
* @return the partsName
public String getPartsName()
return this.partsName;
* @param partsName the partsName to set
public void setPartsName( String partsName )
this.partsName = partsName;
* @return the partVendor
public String getPartVendor()
return partVendor;
* @param partVendor the partVendor to set
public void setPartVendor( String partVendor )
this.partVendor = partVendor;
Finally...... here is my class to create an instance of the AutoManufacturer
object that would become the FACT for the rule to fire upon.
package com.nabble.demo;
import com.nabble.demo.model.AutoManufacturer;
import com.nabble.demo.model.Brand;
import com.nabble.demo.model.Model;
import com.nabble.demo.model.Part;
* Class to demonstrate using Autommaker model objects
public class ProcessAutomaker
* @param args
public static void main( String[] args )
//Create instance of AutoManufacturer
AutoManufacturer automanf = new AutoManufacturer();
automanf.setManufacturerName("Large Auto Maker");
//Create instance of Model
Model model = new Model();
//Create instances of Part, add to current Model instance
Part part = new Part();
part.setPartsName("Steering Wheel");
part = new Part();
part.setPartsName("Brake Pedal");
part = new Part();
part.setPartsName("Floor Mat");
//Create instance of Brand
Brand brand = new Brand();
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12 years, 10 months
working memory error
by Zhao Yi
I have two knowledge bases,one is drl file the other is pkg file. My
application creates knowledge base from drl files first then create
knowledge base from pkg file. There is nothing wrong when I create drl file
knowledge base and fire rules, but I got below error when I create pkg file
knowledge and fire the rules. Does anyone know what this issue mean?
Caused by: java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: loader
(instance of org/drools/rule/JavaDialectRuntimeData$PackageClassLoader)
previously initiated loading for a different type with name
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12 years, 10 months
drools5.3.0 rule time error with osgi environment
by Zhao Yi
I am using drools 5.3.0 and work in osgi environment. i have installed
drools-core, drools-api, drools-compiler and drools-tempalte in osgi
context. I have no problem to load knowledgebase but get error when fire
rules, please see below error message. Does anyone know how to fix it?
java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: when resolving
interface method
"org.drools.spi.KnowledgeHelper.update(Lorg/drools/FactHandle;)V" the class
loader (instance of
org/drools/rule/JavaDialectRuntimeData$PackageClassLoader) of the current
class, defaultpkg/Rule_ScanRange__startLocationCheck, and the class loader
(instance of org/eclipse/osgi/internal/baseadaptor/DefaultClassLoader) for
resolved class, org/drools/spi/KnowledgeHelper, have different Class objects
for the type org/drools/FactHandle used in the signature
java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: when resolving
interface method
"org.drools.spi.KnowledgeHelper.update(Lorg/drools/FactHandle;)V" the class
loader (instance of
org/drools/rule/JavaDialectRuntimeData$PackageClassLoader) of the current
class, defaultpkg/Rule_ScanRange__startLocationCheck, and the class loader
(instance of org/eclipse/osgi/internal/baseadaptor/DefaultClassLoader) for
resolved class, org/drools/spi/KnowledgeHelper, have different Class objects
for the type org/drools/FactHandle used in the signature
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12 years, 10 months