Hi Mauricio,
Yep, drools-core's Manifest.MF is being auto-generated by the
maven-bundle-plugin. it is ok:
<Import-Package>!org.drools.*, *,org.osgi.util.tracker</Import-Package>
The problem is that ${drools.osgi.version} property variable has been
set up to 5.3.1.SNAPSHOT by hand in the droolsjbpm-build-bootstrap project.
"5.3.1.SNAPSHOT" is not a valid OSGi sentence. the right one is
5.3.1.qualifier. And its maven brother is "5.3.1-SNAPSHOT"
Should I raise a Jira?
On 28/12/11 08:01, Mauricio Salatino wrote:
Hmm I'm not sure.. I'm creating my own bundles here. But it
seems that
the bundle can be auto-genarated by a maven plugin that is picking the
project version to generate the bundle.. I'm just guessing..
2011/12/27 Cristiano Gavião<cvgaviao(a)gmail.com>:
> Hi again,
> Could someone from the Drools team explain me something about why the use of
> "5.3.1.SNAPSHOT" as the bundle version ?
> regards
> Cristiano
> On 25/12/11 03:17, Cristiano Gavião wrote:
> I've tried unsuccessfully to upgrade my osgi application to jbpm 5.2 and
> Drools 5.3. I'm using tycho and I got this error:
> [ERROR] Missing requirement: org.drools.core 5.3.1.Final requires 'bundle
> org.drools.api 5.3.1.SNAPSHOT' but it could not be found
> Its worth to say that with Jbpm 5.1 and Drools 5.2 everything is ok.
> Looking at the org.drools.core pom's I could see that the problem seems to
> be this:
> So ${drools.osgi.version} is being resolved to 5.3.1.SNAPSHOT that is not
> being resolved because .SNAPSHOT is not a valid OSGI word as the .qualifier
> is.
> regards
> Cristiano
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