See a few comments at the end.
rule "assign discount"
$c: Cart( discount == null, $on: online, $citems: items, $age:
age, $shipping: shipping )
$p: Param( online == $on, $pdisc: discount, $pitems: items,
minage <= $age,
shipping == Param.NA_SHIPPING || == $shipping,
eval($citems.containsAll($pitems)) )
not Param( online == $on, discount > $pdisc, $xitems: items,
minage <= $age,
shipping == Param.NA_SHIPPING || == $shipping,
eval($citems.containsAll($xitems)) )
modify( $c ){
setDiscount( $pdisc )
* To revert the Cart to discount == null etc., use another rule,
triggered by a "command" fact, which is retracted by the very same
* items is a Set<String> which can be easily maintained in addition to
a List<Items>. Or add methods supporting the required set operations,
computing the Set<String> on the fly.
* Note the use of a dedicated value for "don't care", e.g. NA_SHIPPING.
* An entirely new criteria will have to be accomodated in the (single)
rule, but the example covers discrete values and sets; take care when
there could be ranges, as with age.
On 19/02/2013, pdario <dario.piantanida(a)> wrote:
laune wrote
> I'm confident that there's a clean and manageable way of preparing
> this data to work in combination with a small and constant set of
> rules. I refrain from elaborating this in all details without knowing
> all of the requirements.
I'll try to summarize them as properly as I can...
Rule 0: default condition
If cart is paid "offline", it has 0% discount
Rule 1: online payment discount
If cart is paid "online", it has 10% discount
These two are fixed and always valid.
Then we monthly decide a list of items that grant different discounts on
whole cart over the 10% of Rule 1 (i.e. Rule 1 must be true to get further
For example:
Rule 2: valid for February 2013, item A
If cart is paid "online" and contains item A, it has 15% discount
Rule 3: valid for February 2013, item B
If cart is paid "online" and contains item B, it has 17% discount
Next month, both items and discount levels will change
We need the firt Rule 0 because the user can change the payment method, so
we have to reset the discount to 0.
Ideally, we would like to left the Rule 0 and 1 unchanged (as they are
rule) and manage the monthly rules without impact on them.
To make things worse, our business people not only rely on items contained
in the cart, but each month they decide a different attribute from the cart
or user to be taken into account for special discount, so that the examples
above may read like:
Rule 2: valid for February 2013, item A
If cart is paid "online" and contains item A and the user is older than 30,
it has 15% discount
Rule 3: valid for February 2013, item B
If cart is paid "online" and contains item B and the cart is shipped within
Europe, it has 17% discount
As you remember, we used salience and activation groups, but this prevents
us from applying rules to a bunch of carts, as the rule activation cancels
other activations.
Do you see a cleaner design?
Thank you a lot for support.
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