Hi Vikrant.
well the drools-guvnor/ doesn't use a filter so much as it is default
web.xml behaviour - you can specify a "welcome" page, which it goes to
when the root path is supplied. If Websphere 6.1 can't even do that -
I would say something is seriously wrong (may be a bad install?) - you
could try it with a really simple war that just has 1 jsp and a
web.xml and see if it happens with it? although I think:
As for servlet filters - as we use Seam, it uses servlet filters to
manage lifecycles, so yes, that could be it (if its not the above). It
isn't possible to replace the filters, as they do a very different job
from servlets (although the difference is subtle).
What would be better would be to work out what the problem is with
websphere and filters I think.
On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 9:34 PM, Vikrant Yagnick <VikrantY(a)mastek.com> wrote:
Well it clearly is a problem with filters as the following works in
However just typing
http://localhost:9080/drools-guvnor does not and gives you the Ugly 500.
From: Vikrant Yagnick
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2008 4:38 PM
To: Rules Users List
Subject: Deploying the BRMS on Web-Sphere 6.1
Hi All,
Has anyone been able to deploy the BRMS War file on Websphere 6.1. The BRMS
deploys without problems , but I get the following error when I try to
access the BRMS:
Error 500: com.ibm.ws.wswebcontainer.extension.DefaultExtensionProcessor
incompatible with com.ibm.wsspi.webcontainer.servlet.IServletWrapper.
However, the WebDAV servlet still works.
I dug around a little, and have found that this problem has occurred for
other web-applications as well who have provided a workaround:
(Read Step 7)
The problem seems to be related to Servlet-Filters. These do not seem to
work correctly with Websphere 6.1. In the site mentioned they have replaced
the servlet-filter with a normal server. (The BRMS seems to use a servlet
filter for /* url mapping).
I have seen posts on other forums regarding the BRMS deployment on Websphere
6.1 but no answers as to how to make this work.
Any, help would be appreciated.
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