Re-initialize is simply not an option. The rule engine is written so
that it knows when to re-evaluate certain constraints. Re-initializing
would mean re-evaluting all rules, and considering you could have a huge
amount of data, that could be very inefficient.
The ruleflow-group does not change anything about how a rule engine
behaves normally. It simply makes sure that, if you have a
rule-flowgroup specified, those rules will only execute if that
ruleflow-group is active.
But, as I said, simply calling update(fact) after leaving the
ruleflow-group would trigger a re-initialization as you call it, but
then only for the constraints related to the fact in question.
Quoting liuzhikun <liuzhikun(a)>:
Thanks.I can't understand .When process reaches a ruleSet a
ruleflow-group be set no-loop remain long time.Why is not
reinitialize per reache a ruleSet?