DeepakA wrote:
I used a KnowledgeBuilder ro read the resources (DSL & DSLR
Then created a KnowledgeBase and created a StatefulKnowledgeSession out of
the KnowledgeBase.
The StatefulKnowledgeSession was used to start the process and fire all
Then I realized I was not able to access the RuleBase from
So, now I create a RuleBase, then a PackageBuilder, add the resources to the
packageBuilder, then add the
package to the RuleBase and create a StatefulSession out of the RuleBase.
This statefulsession is used to start the process and fire all rules.
packagebuilder is the old api, knowledgebuilder is the new one
Can someone explain to me whats the difference in the above 2 methods
firing the rules.
Whats the difference between StatefulKnowledgeSession & StatefulSession.
statefulession is the old api.
these old apis are kept around for backwards compatability.