I've already implemented a few features in the Faces Module that cannot
provide @PreDestroy lifecycle callbacks. And I have *great need* for a truly
stateless producer method. I need this very badly.
Let me know how I can help.
On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 7:19 AM, Stuart Douglas
I have been thinking about adding a stateless scope to weld
that would allow for a similar construct to @Unwrap from seam 2. Basically
if you have a Stateless producer method the the producer will be called
every time a method on the proxy is invoked.
The main downside that I can see is that beans that have a stateless scope
no longer have a well defined lifecycle, so disposal methods etc will not be
called, however as long as this is documented I don't think that this is
much of a problem.
Does this sound like a good idea?
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Lincoln Baxter, III
"Keep it Simple"